
tag format : world name | m/f/nb | eye | hair | year of creation | dev/status | FAV/MASCOT

m/f/nb | year of creation | speices

species: merfolk, winged

world tags: (storyhomeless) - tb - pandora - edmena - nuts n bolts - juniors - seniority - aevotha - haven - synthesis - DND

gender tags: M F NB

eyes natural: brown eyes blue eyes grey eyes green eyes hazel eyes albinoid eyes heterochromia

eyes semi-natural: purple eyes gold eyes red eyes

eyes inhuman/injuried: animalistic eyes, inhuman sclera, irregular eyes (injuries, genetic condition & many)

hair natural: black hair, brown hair, blonde hair, red hair, grey hair

hair unnatural: dyed hair, piebald hair, unusual hair

animal tags : feral

status tags : pet - NOTmd (not my design) - STORAGE - UNNAMED - ARTLESS - CONCEPT - STORYHOMELESS - MAIN