Unreality Agents

The town of Sulgrave looks, on the surface, to be unremarkable. On the coast of Maine, it’s a town brought alive by its two unpretentious colleges and a bustling tourism industry. Walking from the inland side of downtown out to the boardwalk might take you an hour, at a quick pace. It’s a town known locally for its liberal tendencies and pedestrian culture, while being known internationally for its charming boardwalk, and the brightness of the nearby forests during the fall.

However, it has a side the tourists seldom see. Sulgrave has significant problems with smuggling, and accompanying that, with gang violence. And lately, in Sulgrave and around the globe, there has been a rise in supernatural phenomena. Unknown and yet strangely familiar, humanlike and yet not human at all, beings known as wanderers are becoming ever-more common.

Webcomic coming soon.

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