For those wondering why I'm writing this on folders instead of a character: I don't want to flood my design tab. Man TH needs to let us create pages without having to create a world for it...

A collection of NPCs, supporting characters who just... appear in stories sometimes. Will be added from time to time.

the law firm

The law firm Rie worked at after graduating college up until his eventual transfer to the Takajou family company.
  • NAME Chief Kawada
  • GENDER Male

Rie's boss at the law firm. A kind middle aged man who lost his son in the past. He is extremely fond of Rie (as his subordinate) and was very supportive when Rie married his boyfriend.

Layout by carebear | Code by AviCode

Taka's friend circle

One of Taka's (many) circle of friends in college. This circle in particular is compromised of three girls that are in the same major as Taka (history major). After Taka publicly stated he was going out with an older guy and became a target of homophobes, the trio protects Taka as much as they can.
  • NAME Oga Aikawa
  • GENDER Female

Taka's friend from high school. A tomboy. She watched Taka from afar during high school. She thought Taka was lying whenever she saw him turning down girls who confessed to him back in high school (Taka always vaguely answered that he had someone he liked). Once in college, she became friends with him and everything quickly became clear once she noticed Taka was dating an older guy before he announced it publicly. She assumed Taka was gay until Taka said he swung both ways.

  • NAME Tsunekawa Yuuri
  • GENDER Female

Taka's friend from college. She's an otaku who also enjoys BL and draws rated doujins. Taka loves her doujins and always buy her new books on events. The one who shows up the least out of the three because she's always going home early to draw. Sometimes she skips class just to catch printing deadlines.

  • NAME Kimino Sayaka
  • GENDER Female

Taka's friend from college. A shy, yamato nadeshiko type of girl who had an unfortunate crush on Taka. Particularly close to Aikawa and always asks for love advice from Aikawa. Works at a flower shop. Immersed herself in the world of BL (introduced by Yuuri) after being turned down by Taka.

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