axon's Bulletins

burger king foot lettuce

Posted 28 days, 1 hour ago by axon

idk why i typed this out. hi

did you know...?

Posted 2 months, 7 days ago by axon

"barnacle head" is how they call people shitheads in sponge bib.... woah, talk about childhood ruined...


Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by axon

Go go Gadget Wall Of Text

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by axon

Stole this meme from the user censored (dont wanna @ that person bc we've never really talked). Looked like it'd be fun to fill out

1.) Which of your characters represent you the most?

Besides anyone in my sonas folder or Echo? I feel like Charlie and Eva would be. I haven't drawn them much lately but they're characters I use to channel my emotions through. Charlie is sort of my anger and frustration with feeling stuck in place in life and being isolated. Eva is sort of my fear of death and being forgotten. Both are kinda very lonely people who feel like their lives have no impact anywhere. Oops sorry for this being a delve into my psyche. Dont worry about the thing with Eva and Charlie I'm ok LOL, melancholic writing like that is cathartic to me. Uhhh Blunder is kinda also a character I use to vent my own frustration and self-doubt in regards to sexuality/gender though I also haven't drawn her much lately.

2.) Which of your characters represent you the least?

Uhhh this is kinda a tough question because I tend to put myself into these characters in one way or another. Write what you know, I guess? I think probably Valentine is the best answer to that. He's a very outgoing guy who thinks highly of himself, is a strong believer in the paranormal and isn't afraid to let his opinions or desires be known even if someone would hate him for it. He's also kind of a terrible person, though. Not that I think people like that are necessarily bad people, just without getting into spoilers for the story he's in, well... never meet your idols is the takeaway Ampersand gets, I think. That's all I'll say. But yeah, the self-assertiveness and belief in the spiritual is... very not like me, LOL.

3.) What is your favorite design you made?

OOH I have a lot actually... Greeble is very cute to me though I can understand others not liking it because of the organs... Karsyn is another! Took me a while to come up with a color pallete for her though. Um... anyone in Eva's story, really. I've just had them for so damn long, lol. OOH and The Spire I really like still, even though I haven't drawn it much. Upon watching Monument Mythos for the first time the Special Trees actually reminded me a bit of them, I was kinda worried someone might think I copied that somehow, even though The Spire was designed before I found that series! But I think it's different enough to not be an issue, lol. The thought of something that looks like a tree having a human mind is just very cool to me.

4.) What is your favorite design you own?

If you mean ones designed by someone else initially, that would probably be Eden! Though, the designer seems a bit annoying and terminally-online... oh well.

5.) What is your biggest yet-to-obtain dreamy?

6.) What is your most prized achieved dreamie?

I hate the concept of "dreamies" like. Such a stupid term used by losers who hoard popular closed species. At least it feels that way to me. Same kind of person who thinks "HQ design" means anything other than "made by a popular user".

7.) What is your oldest character?

Tiny! I have art of her from when I was like, 6 or 7. She means a lot to me even though she's basically just a recolored Pikachu. I wish I kept more of my childhood art of her, but the stuff I have uploaded is all I could find. I think I threw the rest away which blows.

8.) What is your newest character?

If you mean one I drew then Hayley, if adopted from someone else then Meep. Also they're both tiny green beasts which is funny to me.

9.) Favorite feral character you own?

Definitely Echo, there's a reason I have so much art of him even though they're only two years old. Simple and fun to draw and I like to channel my more negative feelings through him, haha.

10.) Favorite human(oid) character you own?

Design-wise probably Author or Wick, though in a more general sense I'd have to choose Cecil. I've had her since freshman year of high school and she means a lot to me. It's funny how her personality and role in her story kinda flipped once I was out of school and happier with my life. But yeah. A guardian angel who falls in love with the mortal they watch over is good, its a comforting thought to me.

11.) Favorite anthro character you own?

OOOOH thats tough... besides Greeble who I said earlier probably Ivy at the moment. She's another one I've had for a long time. Love her. Need to be nicer to her.

12.) First original species character you obtained?

Wallow, I made her when the species first became a thing. I feel bad for not participating in the ARPG connected to the species but to be perfectly honest I don't feel like I'd be interested at the moment.

14.) What character do you plan to shower with love next?

IDK, its more of a spontaneous thing for me. Cameo MAYBE but IDFK. We'll see I guess

15.) What character holds the most $$$ value?

Okay I may go on a tangent here bear with me. I know the "real" answer to this but this is between me, my bank and the holy fucking ghost. But god, before Lupisvulpes was outed as a transphobe I was in a adoptable scene related to a semi-open species she created. And let me tell you, it was nuts. People would pawn off overdesigned sparkledogs for THOUSANDS because they had a popular user as a designer, it was fucking wild. IIRC someone tried to use unemployment checks or something similar to get a design by her. It was like the stock market but instead of rich fucks on wall street it was teenagers and 20-somethings impulse buying sparkledogs. Idk. People who say "this character is worth XYZ" like, okay, whatever, I get what you're saying. But if you buy these things and decide you don't want them anymore you're most likley gonna lose money. I've had that happen. Like I was ok finatially, it was like 20 bucks I think, but damn I felt dumb. But yeah. IDK. Sparkledogs can't buy me groceries or gas or whatever so this question is dumb. I find "HQ designs" and stuff like that where the price is inflated just because the creator is popular or because it's a closed species to be asinine. Lupisvulpes was the worst example I saw because she didn't have a TOS against immediatley reselling a design for more than you got without additional commisions you paid for or smth. IDK. 

 TLDR: I don't believe any of these hold real world value. It's all for fun and people who treat them like collectibles to be resold constantly baffle me.

16.) What character has the most art?

Valentine again! I created him in high school but really fleshed him out more when Heart Shaped Wound was released. So I think when I was 18 or 19? I was off meds and struggling with school so he quickly became a comfort to me. I think most of his old art is authorized users only though bc his character has mutated further since then and the old art from that time is nothing like him anymore, appearance-wise and role-in-the-story-wise. IDK.

17.) What character has the most favorites?

Seraph, I think because he was tossed around the previously mentioned trading circle before I forever-homed him <3

18.) Any characters you co-own?

No, I'm too shy and overprotective of my own stories. Thanks, mom, for going through my art at a young age. -_-" Maybe someday I will, but what if I have a falling out with whoever it is? I've seen it happen before and I kinda don't want to have a hypothetical character ruined for me yknow?

19.) If you had to give up all your ocs but one, which would you keep?

IDK probably Tiny for sentimental reasons, but I'd be pissed about it.

20.) Any characters based off of show/book/movie/game?


21.) Your smartest character?

Never put much thought into this tbh. Author is like God basically so their mind would function on a whole other level mortals wouldn't comprehend probably. So I think probably them. I get the feeling this isn't what the person who made this meme had in mind when writing these questions, though.

22.) Your clumsiest character?

Again, not something I've thought about much... probably Echo.

23.) Your evilest character?

Apart from Valentine who I mentioned earlier? Vena Cava, probably. She was based off a dream I had and god, she was scary.

24.) Your sweetest character?

April or Daisy probably!

25.) Do you have a season/holiday themed character?

Not really, I find those kind of designs tacky tbh.

26.) A character you are currently wanting to rehome more than any?

Other than in the purge folder, no.

27.) Which of your character's names do you like most?

Helios... its a pretty name

28.) Which character have you drawn most?

Valentine, once again.

29.) Any hybrid characters?

Yeah! Tempest is half shark but also the vast majority of my Eevemporium characters are hybrids of some kind, lol.

30.) Your most unique character?

IDk to be perfectly honest, LOL. Maaaaybe The Spire or Amalgam? I'm not the best judge of this.