badb0ybeetle's Profile Comments

AHH thank you so much for the art of sneezepelt!! he looks so lovely in your style :) 

I'm so glad you like it!!! And ty :D!

Oh crud, sorry! I just realized I favorite spammed ahh-

I was going through some of the characters you uploaded last night, they're so pretty and cool looking!! :3

no worries at all!! and thank you so much aaaaa I still have quite a few I need to upload (mostly npcs in aenoch's story) but I'm glad you like them!

Ahh yeah ofc ofc!!!! ooh still excited to see them! :3

Oooh, I love that green-and-gray eyes pattern! Extremely good aesthetic.

right?? i didnt make it myself but I love it so much :D!! very nice to hear someone say the same!

look at my pfp   


tysm for the art of marigoldcloud! <3

They were a pleasure to draw ^^

omg the pony you made me is perfect tysm i love it

I'm really glad you do!!! Enjoy! :D

I love your art style :D

Aw thank you!! (sorry for late reply lmao I forgot my account existed </3)

You're welcome! (It's okay I do that too lmao)

 I saw your acc and I knew i recognised you from somewhere and then I realized!! Its beetle!! so hi hello qweredtrgfesdrgfth


i know, ahaha :'0 how've you been?


:0 hi

Howdy do? 🤠

waa we haven’t talked in so long </3 hru?

!! aaa ye itz been forever!! im pretty good!! moving school and going thru a gender crisis but having a good time!! You? How've you been?

oh wow that sucks aa i'm glad you can stay happy ! i've been pretty good,, i drifted away from my best friend which i was super bummed about around a month ago but my new friends are super nice and il them sm sobs (no homo,,) i also haven't been getting much homework recently which is pog :00

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Howdy friend!!! What's up!?

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!!!!! Yooo that sounds good that sounds good!!! Not too much on my end either- just had my last exam so I'm officially on summer break!! been finally getting back to drawing after forever :OOOOOO i gotta update my artfight profile cause rn it's sortaaa a mess

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Yes indeed I do play among us  👀 👀 👀  why do you ask?

9 Replies
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Oh yeah I'd definitely be interested aaaaaa omg <33333  dnd literally takes up my entire heart it's such a fun game :,OOOOO 

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:OOOO OOOH also the map part struggle is real aaa gl man

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waa hello !! (:eyes: i changed my username uvu)

Hello hello!! The username is so pretty aaaa

sobbing ty waa,, hru?

I'm alright!! doing exams sobs but!! They'll be over soon and then i can draw!!! How've you been bud??

waa gl on your exams cri :0 this school year didn't start too long ago for me so luckily we don't have any exams yet :'0 i've been pretty good,, not getting too much hw atm which is great pfft :") i also recently changed my style ah i love it sm more now so i'm feeling way more motivated to draw which is awesome !!

Aaaa all good news all good news!!!! Do you have an example of your new style??? I'd love to see it!

3 Replies
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!!!!!! Of course dude!! >:O If that shoutout gets people to check out your incredible art then hell ya im keeping it there!

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I'm working on getting original art (by me) of all of my characters <333

yo,, do you wanna check this out Tubbles Species Introduction on Scratch ( ? It's an awesome myo species by @/asterr_ and you can get some uncommon, rare and ultra-rare slots by doing stuff on th (hh t o t a l l y not what I'm doing rn pfft)

Oh that's such a cute species ;o; it seems a little intimidating to join aha ^^"

hey Beetle,, hru owo (too lazy to go on to scratch pff lmao)

dhkjashd fair enough- hiiii!!! I'm good!! You??

asfehdjmcx lazy vibes qwq I'm good too, my cousins were sleeping over for the new year but they just left hh happy 2021 ack !! I had an unexpected start to the year haha at 8:30 am police came knocking on our door and we were freaking out lmao but apparently 5 houses down from me there had been some squatters living there that starting a small house fire o.o happy new year??

daksjdha happy new year- that sounds,,, terrifying hdkasjhd I tried to pull an all nighter on new years eve but I didn't make it :,))) Got to 4 and collapsed lmao- I can't believe it's 2021 that's so strange,,, I'm going to be writing the wrong date on everything hdjksahd

asdfeviyb ikr!?!!?! Like I literally wrote 2/1/20 and then was like,, OoP it’s not 2020 anymore aaa and oof I could n e v e r pull an all nighter,, I love my sleep too much uwu

dkjashjkda please teach me how to love sleep my body won't let me get any :,)))))) how have you been lately?

28 Replies

asdfeviyb ikr!?!!?! Like I literally wrote 2/1/20 and then was like,, OoP it’s not 2020 anymore aaa and oof I could n e v e r pull an all nighter,, I love my sleep too much uwu

yo is it chill with you if I put you on my bio here? owu <3

oh ofc it's chill <333 I'll probably do the same if that's alright w you :eyes:

aa ofc uwu ty <3 :revolving_heart: