


The world is called Jorid by its inhabitants, who believe in the Three Gods. Brother Sky, Brother Stone, and Sister Water who traveled from a place beyond time to make their own home. Stone built the rocks and mountains, adorned with sparkling crystals. Sky built the heavens of changing colors and the stars. Water was the weakest of her siblings, but within her was a special gift. Whatever she touched grew alive, and soon her waves swam with many creatures.

Water looked to Sky and Stone and asked that her creation be spread over the world. In exchange, she would create creatures for her brothers. The first rain brought the grass that lured the creatures from the sea to graze. She granted them hooves and paws to roam the earth. Then Water pointed to one of her creations and commanded it to join Sky, where it grew beautiful feathers and filled the air with song.

Satisfied with their creation, the joy of the gods filled the land with magic. From this joy also came a very unique creature that resembled all three of the gods. They smiled upon this creature from beyond time and blessed it. “Go forth”, they urged, “build and mold the world as we did you.”

The Overworld

The Overworld


The Overworld is filled with many creatures and strange hidden magicks. It’s many mysteries and vast biomes weave a tapestry of potential. This world is as full of opportunity as it is challenges and puzzling relics from an age long past. Its people include the Ords, the Orks, and the Mooblooms. Remnants hint at the fate of the world in ancient history, but those who live today are either unaware or searching for the lost knowledge of Ancients. The race for their technology and wisdom becomes more fierce as tensions between the Ords and Orks rise.


  • A lot of this is based off of Minecraft’s implied lore, but is my interpretation.
  • Work In Progress!!! Subject to updates & changes.
  • The world layout is inspired by one of my Minecraft worlds.
  • Includes elements from mods, my own headcanon, ect that may not be in the actual base game.
  • Minecraft was created by Notch, is lead by Jeb, & owned by Microsoft.

Noteable Locations

Verdantia Kingdom

The country of Verdantia is home to many Ords. Its deep lush forests are full of many secrets, and somewhere within contain the hidden villages of the Mooblooms. Although prosperous, Verdantians have recently been under attack of Orks at the fringes of the kingdom. King Orion is a stern but kind man who has enlisted the help of many heroes to defend the kingdom.

Haystack City

A minor city within Verdantia. It lays on the edge of the Darkwood Stretch where many gather magical components and resources. Within this forest is one of the only known hives of the fabled Rosen Bees who’s honey is said to have mystical properties. The hive is defended by a very odd alchemist. She is said to have an odd influence over the forest.

Daisychain Village

One of the many secret settlements of the nomadic Mooblooms and their enchanted flowers. The route to this place is unmarked to those not trained, and only visited by the Trader Ords sworn into secrecy. They enter with emeralds then emerge from the Darkwood Stretch bearing the fine silks, flowers, and garments crafted by the Mooblooms.

The Taint Territory

Many years ago, the evil magic of tainted Ords transformed them into the Orks. They were cast away from the prosperous lands and sent to the far corners of the world. They have returned, and brought with them a dark magic that sullies and corrupts the lands it touches. This place is the main base of operations for the Orks, and it is nearly poisonous to tread upon for any Ord. The land is decorated with the dark castles and mansions built by the Ords to house their twisted experiments.

The Nether

The Nether


What's going on with the Nether? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus diam interdum finibus ultricies. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida.


  • This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci.
  • Nulla in sapien dignissim, maximus massa eu, suscipit turpis. Aenean.
  • Aenean interdum felis eu justo viverra ultrices. Praesent euismod commodo.
  • Proin id eros vitae turpis porta pulvinar in vel augue.
  • Etiam placerat nibh dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non eros.
  • Ut sed rhoncus lectus. Vivamus tempor tellus non lorem cursus.

Noteable Locations

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

The End

The End


What's going on with The End? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus diam interdum finibus ultricies. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida.


  • This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci.
  • Nulla in sapien dignissim, maximus massa eu, suscipit turpis. Aenean.
  • Aenean interdum felis eu justo viverra ultrices. Praesent euismod commodo.
  • Proin id eros vitae turpis porta pulvinar in vel augue.
  • Etiam placerat nibh dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non eros.
  • Ut sed rhoncus lectus. Vivamus tempor tellus non lorem cursus.

Noteable Locations

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

HTML by TheDemonicArtist

female minecraft humanoid hachimimi sona anthro kemonomimi bee cow moobloom