beebeebaku's Bulletins


Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by beebeebaku

I've become a full time momma but same time, i've also become a jobless momma ):

currently looking for an opportunity to raise some money for the bills

and baby formula! i'll be offering my traditional art. 

**please be patient! art will take time because i would be stopping often to

tend to my baby (currently 2 months old) sketches are much quicker

but be aware that lined and color might take longer. (:

samples >  one | two | three | four | five | six

they will be scanned properly.

please also make sure to have best reference available,

any description based characters will not be drawn, i 

apologize for this inconvenience

♫ prices: 

♦ halfbody sketch - $15 | lined & color- $ 30

♦ fullbody sketch - $ 25 | lined & color - $ 50

♦ additional person -  sketch $ 5 | color $ 10

♫ how to order and other notes:

♦ what type of style?

♦ link your character

♦ note something specific you don't want left out of the art

♦ once i've seen your message, please give me a few days to respond. 

i will keep you updated as much as possible if art is taking longer then usual.

♦ if art is a gift, give me a date you need it done by!

♦ you can message me here or email

me with the email address below in payments.

♦ any questions? please ask when you want to order! 

♫ rules for payment:

do not send payment until I've notified you about

your art being done. **for colored art, i will first send you 

a sketch to make sure all is correct, if all is good, then send payment

and i will finish from there.

please send payment through paypal @

or by my email : [email protected]