beehemoss's Bulletins

do you ever....

Posted 22 hours, 53 minutes ago by beehemoss

...see a really cool artist

and wanna be friends with them

but awkward as fuck..


me all the time..

so many cool people i wanna be friends with but im so awkward at talking.. as well as i dont know how much we gotta interact to consider a friend.. i dunno how to friend

LF art

Posted 1 day, 17 minutes ago by beehemoss

Wanting to look for some art of

Can have a nosy at comms and art trades

ARTFIGHT (Team Stardust)

Posted 4 days, 13 hours ago by beehemoss

gimme adopt ideas

Posted 5 days, 8 hours ago by beehemoss

i wanna dive more into adopt making

gimme ideas you would like me to possibly bring to life

(also you can ask to be pinged for the adopt if i use your idea if you wish to be pinged for it)

✰ Commission ✰

Posted 30 days, 10 hours ago by beehemoss

This bulletin will be used to fill out a form for the comm type you are looking for.
Please check my status on my profile and only comment a form if it says "OPEN" next to comms in my art status.
80368840_MTvOvXDI3ka5m1w.png Prices are in USD. I accept payment through Paypal or Kofi.
Turnaround time: Varies from same day to a month, depending on comm type and queue.


Commission type:
*Character ref: (link to OC's TH)
Extra notes:
Payment method:
Contact: TH DMs or Discord (need your user)

*I need access to an unwatermarked image (fine with a small watermark that doesn't cover the design). So if you use a watermark that covers a majority of the image, please be ready to send an unwatermarked version in DMs or I won't be able to reference the OC for the comm.

Can and can't draw
> I can draw a majority of different species. With canines, felines, dragons and monsters being my best. While some other species I may be more new at.
> I can't draw humans (well.. technically can) but not comfortable enough to do for commissions. So I will not draw humanoid OCs.
> I can do ferals and anthros but please note some comm types may be for feral OCs only.
> I am not comfortable doing OC designs that are super vivid bright or super dark. (it hurts my eyes trying to draw those types of designs) So you may be asked to provide a different OC.

Other links:
Discord server:

✰ TH Invite Codes ✰

Posted 9 months, 14 days ago by beehemoss

As I put up this bulletin up I have 200+ invite codes.

So thought to put this bulletin up where people can ask for codes.

If you want one for yourself or a friend, just comment and say what the invite code is for and I'll reply with a code.
(I won't do DMs as 1. when I last did codes like this my DMs got messy real quick, and 2. I'm not comfortable doing DMs).

Please wait for your code and don't grab anyone else's. There is plenty to go around.

I'm happy to give these out for free but if you wish to give some art in return I won't stop you from drawing my OCs.