bittypo's Bulletins

sappy corny gross

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by bittypo

yall ever just remember ur partner is so squishy and lovely and you wanna EAT THEM?????

im literslly losing my mind


Posted 1 month, 22 days ago by bittypo

guys holy shit hello hi seeing my partner be cool and awesome inspired me to be cool and awesome and you'll never believe it,, might be coming back and making adopts 

i hope you all are doing so well!!! thank you all for just the never ending support. youre the best


Posted 6 months, 9 hours ago by bittypo

posting a $5 adopt batch today.... and possibly an f2e raffle ... HOOORAAAYYY

adopt themes youd like to see!

Posted 6 months, 2 days ago by bittypo

dropping some little $10 adopts ! what would u guys like 2 see ?

USERname change

Posted 6 months, 3 days ago by bittypo

freakzoidee - nekonico



Posted 6 months, 3 days ago by bittypo

HI GUYS SO IM OPENING UP MY COMMISSIONS AGAIN!!!!( SELLING SOME ADOPTS TONIGHT TOO I HOPE!!!) but i also decided ... TO OPEN UP TWEENING COMMISSIONS!!!! toyhouse hates me and wont let me upload the images by themself, SO look here IF U PRESS THE ME BUTTON AND THE INTERESTS BUTTON YOU CAN SEE THE TWEEN I DID OF MY GF AND I AS LPS, AND ON INTERESTS U CAN SEE ALL THE TWO SILLY TWEENS I DID OF ME AND MY OC ROBBIE! if interested, shoot me a dm on discord please!!!! my discord is dawningrot22, add me and ill accept asap!!!! if u have other commission inquiries ofc u can msg me about that :-) thanks so much!!!!!


Posted 7 months, 14 days ago by bittypo

literally wveryone here is ufs/ufo. (other than sonas and spits) GO FUCKING WILD. money>art>maybe humanoid ocs 

i have a bunch of rooms still availablw and i want more islanders .. comment some ideas of miis i should make heheh


Posted 9 months, 29 days ago by bittypo

HELLO!! i am sad to say that i no longer have as much time as i used to drawing my ocs / designing ocs, so i am deciding to rehome almost all of them <\3 they deserve to be used alot, theyre all 2 cute

only ocs i will not be getting rid of are the ones in my sonas folder. all other ocs ARE UFS, not UFO. i am only looking for usd <\3  however some of the charas are in fact FREE! i am giving a handful of them away (chars with little to no value as is) those are fcfs! please comment with a link to the oc you want and your $$ offer. will accept anything from $10+ for any character :-) (unless of course they have a big gallery / super pop creator, dont lowball on those please! ^_^*) ask about the fcfs ones! thank you guys so much for your support throughout the three years ive been making designs. i hate that i have to stop for now, but i hope one day i can come back with the proper motivation to make designs for you all again :-)


Posted 10 months, 18 days ago by bittypo

wWOOO NAME CHANGE EPIC!!! i like this one its very funny