bonesnaps's Bulletins

PURGE IS CLOSED. I am not active enough online to consider offers. I apologize.

dec 2 '20 edit: i should have said something much sooner but currently i am not looking at offers or even really responding to messages regarding my th purge. i am rarely online anymore between my work and living situation going to complete hell and having recently been baker acted into a psychiatric ward. i am simply not mentally well enough to be here at this point in time. if ive already contacted you back abt moving forward with an offer than just message me with a reminder and i will do my best to hold up my end of the trade. im sorry to everyone ive kept waiting during all this time. im not sure when or if ill have a prevalent online presence again.

moving in with some friends that dont know/im not comfortable with knowing that im a furry artist so i went thru and listed pretty much every character im not 100% attached to--including one offs of varying quality and some cs. theyre all located in the purge folder for the time being. 

im pretty much open to all kinds of offers for all of them--im mostly looking for art for the majority and money for the ones that can be sold (i went thru and updated all listing permissions as well as maximum resale values so pls check the ownership tabs if youre not sure and i didnt write it on the bio) but im open to trades as well. for the nebs and snaptraps im really only looking to either resell them or trade them for skire species/kragocs but, again, im open to looking at anything.