Lady of the Swords

An otome/GL visual novel that's still in the works. This is set in a fictional alternative universe, focusing around a specific tribe of people called the Sosim people. This project is still being written, which is around 6k words right now.

Kantsuk (Named, "Zuliya the Gallant") The village’s unorthodox lady. Every village has one, or so her father liked to say when she was a little girl to make her feel better. Now, as an adult, Kantsuk understands the constraints of societal expectation and chooses ignore them, oftentimes out of spite. She’s a free spirit and prefers to have fun, living one day lazily to the next. She is very adaptable and quick witted--most likely due to her training in combat at an early age. Her eccentric behavior may make her seem invincible, but in reality her lack of “picking the right battles” tends to get her into more trouble than she should be in. 

Abatiy (Officially named, "Narzan the Red Warrior") Was raised as Kantsuk’s foster brother, but early in his childhood, Kantsuk’s parents were persuaded by a noble official to separate them. At the time, Kantsuk’s parents didn’t have very much to offer and were given a good proposition that benefited the child they loved. Abatiy was adopted by Andeimir, the tribe’s king, and one of his childless wives. Kantsuk’s parents were certain he’d have a better life with the upperclass, but, perhaps it wasn’t the life he’d needed. His childhood is a sore subject for him, but for the most part, Kantsuk is certain that his life in the palace was what made him the bitter man he is today. Abatiy is moody and unforgiving. Although he possesses the ability to get nearly anything he wants with his charisma and strength, he lies with no clear loyalties; a quality that does not adhere with the ethics of Sosim people.