Spirits of Nature

"Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings."

the cats of the spirits of nature believe that they have been deemed the protectors or the guardians of nature. they believe that every animal, every plant, every living thing has a spirit living inside of it and must be respected as such. they also believe that all things were created by and that the world runs smoothly due to the great spirit, who rules the afterlife as the chief of the sky. when a member of their fellowship dies, they join the "spirits of the sky" by taking on the form of their guardian spirit animal.

ranks are a bit different within the "spirits of nature" than with other fellowships.
the leader is known as the chief, regardless of gender.
there are 4 deputies at all times, 1 representing each element, known as the council.
the herbalist is known as the shaman and has the strongest connection with the ancestors & spirits.
the mages are known as braves due to the honor with which they achieved to get to the rank.
apprentices are known as visions, and the herbalist apprentice is known as the shaman vision.
queens or nursing mothers are known as matrons and are respected highly, both in how they are treated & listened to.
kits are still known as kits and elders are still known as elders.

the spirits of nature reside within a section of land that very much has four different types of areas within it, each offering a range of different prey and predators within it. the eastern portion of the territory is mainly made up of hills and meadows, with prey consisting mainly of rabbits and mice. the western portion of the territory is primarily made up of thick forests and tall trees, with prey consisting mainly of birds and squirrels. the northern portion is almost a bit swamp like, with much of the land being very wet/moist, and having prey such as frogs and turtles. the southern portion is primarily made up of multiple ponds and lakes, with the prey being fish and ducks. the northern and southern areas face predators such as water snakes, alligators, and poisonous newts/salamanders. the eastern and western areas face predators such as foxes, coyotes, bobcats, bears, and large birds of prey. the camp where the fellowship sleeps is right in the center of these four areas, where the corners all sort of touch and combine. different types of cats prefer to sleep different ways; there are some with dens dug out of the ground, some who sleep directly under the stars, some who sleep under bushes or in trees, and some who have broken apart rocks to form cavernous dens (such as the shaman).

myo kalon