broskiibean's Profile Comments

Hello peep.

HELLOOOO I'm not active here but i DO post my art occasionally xD 

*sees notifications from you, proceeds to peek at your profile*

hiyon *eyes* do you have discord HAHAHAHAH im mostly active there nowwww 

Yes, I do! And same— ^^;
Here’s my Discord: 𝚑𝚒𝚢𝚘𝚗【ひよ子】#0444

sent~~ omg omgg 

what do you call a blind deer?
No eye deer.

hello its me mecha.
how are you dude? its been a long time


Hey meyn! I remember you :D  been busy with school cause i'm in college now. I think I pretty much abandoned my socials to study properly ahahha. I still occasionally draw my ocs to destress thoughh

What about you? How've you been?

I'm good thanks for asking!


pls do ~ i still have no idea wut im doing lol

Aight let's work through your confusion step-by-step x'D

yeee lets goooo

hahahah! i am so dumb i found u

ayyy me when I started out hahahha