Old Ashford

Just across a bridged divide lies two halves of an old city that now feel like different countries entirely. Old Ashford is the half that still lives under the influence of the Sky Temple and its leader. The favored site of scholars and those who worship the sun, moon, and stars. At the center of the city is a massive and ornate church that doubles as a college of sorcery. The child of the founder oversees it, and is massively influential even outside of the city. Ylisse is the priestess of the star temple, and doesn't often leave the church grounds. Cheval is the new Priest of the moon temple since Gael was exiled, and they reside in the library of the church, connected to the observatory. Asugi is a lowly street thief, always on the run. Ratha and Tigrex reside in the forest in the outskirts of the capitol, stealing from those who stray too close to the wilderness.