The Cats from Hell

The Cats from Hell (地獄の猫 "Jigoku no neko") is the name given to the assassination-only sub-group of the Port Mafia, led specifically by Fumiko Dazai, and also formed by her after her promotion to Caporegime by the current Don, Ougai [Mori] Fukuzawa. All nine were trained by Paul Verlaine after all but the first two (Fumiko and Nobunori, whom he chose to mentor independently at first) were referred to him by Fumiko herself. There have only ever been nine members and there will only ever be nine members; they are the most elite group of assassins working currently under the Port Mafia, who exclusively specialize in only assassination. Unbeknownst to her, Ougai's reasons for giving Fumiko the right to create her own group came largely from a desire to see how she would perform as a true leader, stemming from his own consideration of her as a possible successor for him, due to his refusal to pass the title to a member of his own family, and also all of the other candidates either having already rejected him, or not showing the traits he wished for in a successor. It is due to these disappointments that Fumiko herself is even still unaware that Ougai has ever considered her as a successor, or that she is his current pick, despite her young age.

Fumiko herself is a founder of The Gunslinger Kids and is listed with them, but the rest of her "Cats" as they are referred to, are listed here.