cadeine's Bulletins

adoptable dilemma hmm

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by cadeine

have any of you also hit that point where you love the adopts/custom designs you have and then realize that you probably can't do anything with those designs outside of your head @_@?

i wanted to participate in nanoreno with a short visual novel of my characters, but... then realized that none of the designs are my own!! even though the characters are my own, their designs aren't in terms of reproduction and though that should've been Plum Obvious (tm), it only really hit me now orz

it would've been a free game too, don't get me wrong, but what if i wanted to do more with them after? or what if i had a donation button? it's too close to the realm of 'putting characters out there in a potentially commercial way' that i'm not comfortable with it. i considered contacting the artists, but i know that's not something artists want to have to wrestle with + some of the artists have vanished off the face of the earth o(-<

at the end of the day, i bought the adopts i bought because they inspired something in me, so i guess adoptables could be considered like... stock reference for characters? LOL argh it's gonna suck having to detach my emotional attachment for the designs, but maybe this is a good wake-up call for me to design my own for once

i don't know where i was going with this, but it's kinda been weighing on me and sapped a lot of my love for the designs i have and i just wanted to spitball it, sorry T_T

picrew OCs...

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by cadeine

hhhhh i'm in love with making OCs on picrew makers but i have no idea if it's okay to make them into like... actual OCs (obvs no reselling/trading/that nonsense)?? i guess it's not that much different than making MMO OCs into their own, but picrew involves other people's art...


Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by cadeine


who needs rp when

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by cadeine

you can just make tabletop/DnD profiles for your OCs and act out RNG while writing stories for every action possible


february round-up (skull)

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by cadeine

greatly inspired by midorifield and her entries! check them out before this fraudulent one alkjakjdnsk

i've had more downtime during my commutes lately, so i've been letting my mind wander and trying to rekindle my love for writing characters and stories. it's been hard to get back into daydreaming when real life is so hectic, but i think it provides an outlet for me that i sorely need, precisely because it's so easy to get chained down by the mundane.

with that being said, a lot in this entry is very basic (i haven't even finished a single profile lmaodakbakjsd) but i hope i can look back on it and go 'yeah, i did something!'

important things

  • discovered tabs!! holy shit these have privacy settings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • basic intro on the public page, in-depth summary on the tabs
  • finally finished profile html 3____3 it's silly, but i find it easier to think through abilities etc as RPG skills. maybe i can one day devote some time to making a game around it ha ah a h a

character updates

  • worked on lark's entry before deciding that the current one unveiled too much. scrapped it and am trying to rewrite.
  • planned out lark's story a bit more and tried to intertwine it with sig's more
  • what the fuck how do i differentiate between two sigs?/???/? i hecked up


  • try to work on lark more! at least his basic entry
  • spend a bit more energy on sincere. like his name. do i keep it wtf

i have soooo many notes written on scrap paper about lark (my newest fascination) and i still haven't really settled on 'one thing'.

the few details i've hammered down is that she's the body-double of a... i guess let's say empress? idfk. either way, someone important enough that their guardian gave them a body-double (out of paranoia). she messes up big time though, when said empress w/e ends up assassinated in the middle of a coup instead of her?????????? but she appears and pretends she's the real one instead blah blah idk LOL it's been fun just writing stuff down, but i'm like 'that makes no sense' 'scrap that' 'what kind of motivation is that!?'

(my real motivation is that i want to write a cute tragic romance between the body double and the empress. exposed 9ever)

for the time being though, she assumes another identity (more like it gets pushed onto her) to stay low but she's just still forever sad about her empress.


i don't know

this shit is hard when the only straightman is myself LMFAO waves arms and swings into the seat. maybe i'll have something more certain by the end of march.........


Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by cadeine


babby mode:

writing journals

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by cadeine

man, it amazes me how little artistic drive i have now compared to back when i'd just be submerged by creative people and would be bouncing off characters/ideas with them T_t

like the sort of carefree-only-worried-about-exams life of yoreeee

ahhhhhh i really??? wanna try getting better at drawing characters interacting!

something like this for idk, 12? 15??? idk :( 


toyhouse forum notifications?

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by cadeine

am i missing something ;_; why do i not get notified if someone posts in my topic etc

and i can't bump my commissions thread :thinking: