caribou's Bulletins


Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by caribou


19 Votes 🔮 WITHER!!
11 Votes 🌱 BLOOM!!
8 Votes Unsure

I'm going with Team Wither! (so I can attack everyone else [might do some friendly fire too])

My AF is ! You can follow me there if you want! (still setting up rn)

Gonna try to be more active this time around! Currently having a style crisis so my art might look a little off oops


Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by caribou


8 Votes WOOO
2 Votes WOOO


- ☆ -

My rp server is finally open!

We’ve been working really hard this past week to get it open so quickly, and I’m really happy with the result!

☆ -

- You’re welcome to join if you don’t want to rp! We have plenty of general chatting channels as well

- Relaxed sentence limits

- Welcoming and friendly community

☆ -


(also join riverclan, Heronstar is clearly the best leader)

warriors rp! (mine!)

Posted 2 years, 6 days ago by caribou


9 Votes Yes!!
5 Votes Yes, but I’ll wait till it fully opens
7 Votes Seems cool, no time
0 Votes Not really

I’ve been wanting to do this for a while!

You can help us with brainstorming, helping with server stuff, or just hanging out and spectating! the more the merrier

The basic concept is that it’s just like any other warriors rp, but stuff like sentence limits will be shortened to help with my sanity

so yeah! I hope to see some of you guys in there, and that this'll turn out really fun :D

What should I do for 200 subs?

Posted 2 years, 10 days ago by caribou


3 Votes DTA
7 Votes Another (smaller) raffle
8 Votes More freebies
2 Votes Art raffle
1 Votes Other (comment)

Because of the success of the raffle and freebies, I’ve somehow ended up with like 100 more subs than I had a month ago

so, (as always), I’m hosting a poll for what you guys would be interested in! If there’s something I forgot, feel free to comment!


Posted 2 years, 16 days ago by ☁️ | Cielo caribou


22 Votes happy birthday
1 Votes unhappy birthday

☁️ - After months of waiting, it’s finally here!

✨ - Link:

please don’t let this flop :(

— ★ FREEBIE EVENT!! [mine] ★ —

Posted 2 years, 28 days ago by caribou


48 Votes yay
0 Votes no

decided to do something that isn't posting more adopts lol

— ★ —

“ Welcome to the adoption center! We have plenty of critters in need of forever homes! ”

— ★ —

Posting some freebies! Please read below if you'd like to get your hands on one


Please don’t resell/retrade them! you’re allowed to regift/rehome as a freebie though

Keep my credit! They should all be credited to my alt

I'm allowed to revoke them for any (sensible)reason as long as they don’t have added art, including if they're just collecting dust in your th

These are NOT fcfs! I’d like everyone to have a chance, including different time zones


1. be subbed to me (new subs welcome!) bc I want to do this to give back to my subscribers

2. Write a backstory/what you'd use them for! This kinda functions as a WTA

3. anything else you'd like to do!

that simple! just wanted something to substitute while I work on the raffle

— ★ —


go buy them (nm)

Posted 2 years, 29 days ago by caribou

ok I know ive just become a walking billboard with these bulletins I swear I’m gonna stop

but you should buy them !! all bids are appreciated

if I’m not busy I’ll throw in a lil doodle for the buyer :D

small updates:

might be getting paypal soon, I need to buy a new iPad ( ) I am currently borrowing my brothers iPad to draw lol

I finally have the opening date for the raffle I’m hosting! (that I mention at the end of every bulletin oops) to buy myself a little time to work on payments, I’ll be posting them on may 28th (my birthday!) I really like their design so I hope it doesn’t flop

alr cya!

trend i guess lol

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by caribou

how’s it goin

6 Votes good!
2 Votes good (not really)
2 Votes eh
0 Votes bad
0 Votes horrible
1 Votes sanity: gone

stole this from everybody

also half these answers are just "idk" I am giving you a fair warning

A- Age: baby

B- Biggest Fear: dying?

C- Current Time: 5:58

D- Drink you last had: water

E- Easiest Person To Talk to: random people on discord

F- Favorite Song: no idea lol

G- Ghosts, are they real: probably not

H- Hometown: I’m a hometown girlllllll 🤠🤠

I- In love with: your mother

J- Jealous Of: everyone 😔 /hj

K- Killed Someone?: WHAT

L- Last time you cried?: today 💔💔

M- Middle Name: no

N- Number of Siblings: 1

O- One Wish: i wish for more wishes

P- Person who you last called: my parents?? idk

Q- Question you're always asked: hi how are you

R- Reason to smile: uhhhhh (I’m emo 🖤🖤🖤🖤)

S- Song last sang: no idea

T- Time you woke up: 7:15 😔

U- Underwear Color: what

V- Vacation Destination: california 😎

W- Worst Habit: everything probably

X- X-Rays you've had: uhhhh something

Y- Your favorite food: pasta or rice. any variant. I will eat anything with pasta or rice (as long as it’s not seafood)

Z- Zodiac Sign: gemini (it’s my birthday month yay)


(omg not self promo this time?)

everyone should subscribe to blackiekatzenell because she's cool

ok goodbye, might make another bulletin later bc I plan to post stuff tonight

Another meme YCH!

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by 📮 | "amogus" YCH caribou

among us?

1 Votes im the impostor
2 Votes you're the impostor
0 Votes im innocent
2 Votes im a sussy baka 🤪🤪🤪
0 Votes what is among us

Made another YCH to pass the time lol

it’s 50 points yay

random question (not imp)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by caribou

who am I to you

0 Votes mortal enemy
0 Votes don’t really like you ngl
1 Votes who are you
1 Votes an ok person
2 Votes I’m just subbed
5 Votes cool art
0 Votes person that talks in all lowercase 80% of the time
1 Votes you're nice!!
0 Votes I like you
0 Votes I "like" you 😏😏😏🥵🌹🔥🔥 /jjjjj
0 Votes crush (fr)
3 Votes inspo!!!
1 Votes friend!!
0 Votes bestie
0 Votes we're already dating

hello yes I did this 2937385483692764 years ago and I am back to do it again

yes look at all the options 

this poll is so cool /j

also you should definitely go ask a question here
I heard that if you post something there, you are magically cool (not that you aren’t already ofc)