caribou's Bulletins

question (/nimp)

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by caribou


15 Votes Gachapon
1 Votes Bid

made these guys and was wondering

should they be a gachapon or a bid/regular adopt? they would be priced similarly either way 


i spent so much time on them 😭😭 help


Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by caribou


29 Votes hi

don’t feel like I use all of my characters as much as I should, so I’m entertaining offers on everybody!*

Chars from these folders are the easiest to get! + (+also any adopts in the directory folder!)

Characters in the beloveds and warriors folders are hardest!

Preferences depend on the character, so feel free to ask about what I’m looking for! 

Please comment on this bulletin and not on the character profiles! It’s hard to keep track of

* ok, not everyone (as in I don’t plan to trade away november or anything),a lot of warriors characters are nfo as I’m just storing them for a friend, but feel free to ask as I am trying to clear some of them out 

question #2

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by caribou

What kinds of designs do you prefer (from me)

8 Votes "regular" designs
8 Votes warriors designs
3 Votes mini designs
1 Votes other (comment)

part 2 of "me trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong saga"

similar to the last bulletin, this is just a poll

this time, it’s what kinds of designs you prefer

the poll should be a bit self-explanatory 

a couple examples of each type that I’m talking about:

"Regular" (idk what else to call it):

warriors designs:


(i know I have more examples but idk where)

if something isnt on here, just comment

I’ll probably explain why I’m doing all of this later


Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by caribou

What content of mine do you like?

10 Votes Regular toyhouse stuff (adopts, raffles, etc)
5 Votes Oc content (for example, if I were to start posting oc backstories n stuff)
3 Votes Fandom content (eg. warriors designs)

question bc I’m kinda curious

ik I’ve posted polls in the past on what sort of adopts n stuff I should post, but I wanna know what my audience is looking for in general 

(poll is anon! please be honest jsksj)

cool map!!! go and join if you can —> 

+ working on some stupid stuff rn! i shall post later

(psst. follow my tumblr for updates on whatever I happen to be doing at the moment)

november 1st, 2022

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by 🎄🎁 . Hazel caribou

turkey time

13 Votes mm food
4 Votes no turkey time :((

Hi guys

I might've erm... lied about something

I uh

I didn't actually steal halloween

it was just a little prank-- that's what halloween is about right? no?? well I did it anyway

good news is that the TRUE best holiday is only 2 months away

bad news is that I have to wait for December first to start celebrating :(( 

anyway, how was everyone's christmas? er-- halloween? mine was fine except I can't have any chocolate still

friend's server!

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by caribou


4 Votes yeah!

friend's server!! it’s a really nice and welcoming place, and we'd love for you to join!

much more info here:

Ask my chars anything! [temp closed]

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by caribou


15 Votes hi

decided to do this since a. im sad and b. im insane

several people have pointed out that listening to "it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas" a week before halloween isn’t normal ☹️☹️☹️ gotta cope with that knowledge now I guess (haters gonna hate anyway, that’s what I’m listening to right now 😤😤)


feel like drawing more little doodles to banish my artblock so here we are!!


just as the image says!! you can ask (most) of my characters anything and I’ll try to draw a response from them

(psst. warriors characters + sonas will probably have much better responses since they’re actually developed HMSNSJ)

OH also dynamics between characters are especially fun 👍👍 those'll probably have better responses too

EDIT: guys november is literally just me 😭😭 if you want to just ask me stuff, you can ask here:

TUMBLR!!! (kinda imp?? idk lol)

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by caribou


11 Votes hiii

I got a tumblr!! I’ve been thinking it over for a while and I finally snapped today

possibly will be posting stuff like wc fanart but probably not for a while

But more importantly: ASKS!!! Ive really wanted to do these forever so yay

All types of asks are fine! You can ask about my characters, or just about me, or just talk about anything really jsksjsj It really doesn’t matter!!!

anyway feeling pretty good, looking forward to using this!!


Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by caribou

Would you like to be pinged when commissions open?

12 Votes Yes!

ok. 2 things !

1. commissions

I’ve been trying to get these out for well over 4 months and I’m just. so disorganized jksnsjsn 

So I was wondering, what are some things in particular that you would be interested in commission-wise? (ex, scenes, icons, etc)

Also, I set a poll so I can keep track of commission pings! vote if you wanna be pinged when they finally open 


I want to host a raffle, but a. I’m not sure it would do well and b. i still need more entries so the other raffle can close already :((

anyway, I was gonna post a wip of the design I made, buuut i got a little carried away and finished it before i ever got to it

so here’s a small segment of the completed design !


I’m actually really (like really really) proud of how the design turned out, so I might end up just keeping her 


ik i said that I wouldn’t post more bulletins like this i swear I’ll stop :'D