caselock's Bulletins


Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by caselock


i convinced my mother to help make a black sweatervest and

im almost there. i almodt got the fit

the sunny fit

i mean the shorts are a bit shoryt but anything to feel comfy and real amaright :sob: /lh

eww aapples

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by caselock

ausgah i jus t had an apple and i now feel on the evrge of deagth /nsrs but like

uwaaah my immunity is sko bad in literally aobbing

boundaries (somewhat stolen wooo)

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by caselock

what should I call you?
the main names i go by are sunni/sunny, ki(kiuri), and xiao! tho u can call me by any of my sona's names (not all are uploaded as of right now so the full list is; sunni/sunny, kiuri, xiao, hajime, hiccup, intp, istp, nico, tobias, powder, treekey, and shinsou! tho im almost constantly adding uhu)

how old are you?
uuhhhmmm i am a minor below 15 :]

what program(s) do you use?
clip studio paint for pc an ibispaint x for mobile

can i dm you? 
ofc :D go ahead

can you authorize me? 
i usually prefer not to

when do you open commissions?
uhh i havent got a plan for that yet since i cant actually receive any money and dont have any use for pts

how often do you post adopts?
only ever posted one :,D

are you open to art/design trades?
ya just not for these next two months

can I ask for your discord? 
i dont got discord sobs

can I draw your characters, alone or with mine?
ofc !!! just not any nsfw (lude) pls :,D

can I request character links?
ya sure id jus prefer if it wasnt random :] like if you ask beforehand or smth

can our characters be friends/enemies/etc?
ofc :D

can I ship my characters with yours?
erm most of em already have ships but feel free to ask which dont! but yeah im pretty open to ships

can we play a game together?
sure ! jus not these next two months ehe

can I call you on discord?
uhhh dont got discord but also dont like calling people yipee

can I see a picture of you / will you face reveal?

can I heavily reference / reference your art?
not heavily, but stuff like poses or expressions are fine !

can I take inspiration from your designs?
not heavilyy, colorpicking is okay ! if you do take inspiration tho, pls credit me :]

can I co-own a character with you?

can I set my designs as tradeback?
uhhh no thank you :,D like if i finally get attached to a character mentally and the designer wanted it back id be like. crushed fr 

are you okay with offers on characters?
literally offer on anybody ! most ill prolly decline but theres no harm in offerin

do you do pings?

may I put your characters in a dreamies folder?

can I offer on the same character multiple times?
yup !

can i kin your OCs?
yes. but. if i end up making suggestive or gore-y art of said oc, i dont want people goin and being upset over it cause they kin the character- its my oc and i can draw them however i please /lh

what if i became one of your OCs IRL?
i dont really mind just. same thing as before. i know irls arent exactly like kinnies, as im an irl myself- but ya dont really got control of what content comes out of your source

am I allowed to call your OCs comforts?
yeah !!

am i allowed to simp for your OCs?
HEP ya sure

may i put your OCs in my story?
pref not unless we talked abt it first :]

may i roleplay as your OCs?
uhhh thats a 50/50. ask me this personally pls :,D

may i cosplay your ocs?
not that i think anyone would but yes ofc :o that'd be epic no joke

111 questions (stolen ehe-)

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by caselock

am i crazy for doing this

0 Votes yeah for sure
2 Votes what really defines crazy
0 Votes NO

1). Are you really ready for 111 questions?

probably not but ill try to answer em good

2). Was your last real relationship a mistake?

if this is romanticlaly then yeah modt likely

4). Who did you last say "I love you" to? 

my sister (#2) like 10 mins ago :]

5). Do you regret it? 


6). Have you ever been depressed?

hahahahg yes

7). Are you a boy? 

y'all i think so but how can u be sure

8). Are you a girl? 

idk ive been feeling more feminine as of this week :shrugs:

9). What is your relationship status? 

single ?? not really but yes at the same time 

10). How do you want to die?

with my sister (#1) :]

11). What did you last eat?

chicken wih just salt (no its so good fr)

12). Played any sports?

i was fhe libero in my states volleyball team for a while :,D

13). Do you bite your nails?

no but i pick at them with my other hands

14). When was your last physical fight?

with my sister (#3) like. last year

15). Do you have an attitude?

i get told i do but i don really think so :,D

16). Do you like someone? 

thought i did but then turns out i find them really mean

17). What is your real name?

if this means like irl birth name then shiz i aint sayin that- tho my names sunni wooooo

19). Are you gonna get high later? 


20). Do you hate anyone at the moment?

eho doesnt

21). Do you miss someone? 

yes but i also hate missing them at the same time :,D

22). Twirl or cut your spaghetti? 

what. just ear the spaghetti whole (but twirl fr)

23). Do you tan a lot? 

im so incredibly pale its kind of scary

24). Have any pets?

personally i have a snail named sam, the family has 2 cats an two dogs, and i consider my sister's pets my own too so. my sister (#3) has 3 cats and 1 dog, an my other sister (#2) has 2 cats

25). How exactly are you feeling? 

pretty like. monotone if that was a feeling

26). Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? 

who doesnt. what

27). Ever made out in the bathroom? 

ugh no </3

28). Would you take any of your exes back? 

ya for sure

no im not okay /hj

29). Are you scared of spiders? 

extremely much they are the bane of this earth id literally die to make spiders extinct

30). Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 


31). Do you regret anything from your past? 

honestly if i explained indepth itd be longer than this whole bulletin times five. so yes

32). What are your plans for this weekend? 

spend time with my sisters and brothers cause theyre all coming over for the first time in mOnths

33). Do you want to have kids? 


34). Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? 

ehat even is this question. but no. ive only ever smooched one person and his name started with V i think?? i don remeber SOBS

35). Do you type fast? 

not on phone which is wha im doin this on but a lil bit on comp. lik 70-80 wpm

36). Do you have piercings? 

no :]

37). Want any more? 

no ill probably nevr get any

38). Can you spell well? 

of fcouese /s

39). Do you miss anyone from your past? 

ya. starts sobbing /lh

40). What are you craving right now? 

mountain dew and (not together-) weirdly enough. pistashio like. icecream sticks. i forget what they're called but i tried pistashio once last year and i didnt even like it but now it soounds good

41). Ever been to a bonfire party? 

no :,D

43). Have you ever been on a horse? 

ya ive been to tournaments too :,]

45). Have you ever broken someone's heart? 

yeaahhh. i got confessed to while walking my dog one day by some boy at school i didn't even know and i honestly felt so bad

46). Have you ever been cheated on? 


49). Would you live with someone without marrying them? 

yes- literally probably gonna move in with my sister (#1) what 

50). What should you be doing? 

drawing. or sleeping its 2am

51). What's irritating you right now? 

a friend who wont let me have my alone time

52). Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? 


54). What is your favorite color? 

purple anddd green

55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? 

ya ofc. like if you get too hot in a sweater or somrtubg but you dont have anyhigb under

57). Do you have trust issues? 

i honestly have no ckue

62). Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? 

yeah we stikl tlak

63). Who was the last person you cried in front of? 

my sister (#1) yall

64). Do you give out second chances too easily? 

too easilyyyy? probably not

65). Is it easier to forgive or forget? 


66). Is this year the best year of your life? 


67). What was your childhood nickname? 

piz (and it still sticks), and then another one that I SWEAR none of me or my sisters knew was bad. m.dget :,D

i swear we had no clue but stopped the secodn we learned it was a slur aaaaaughh

68). Have you ever walked outside completely naked? 

when i was likr 3 id play in the mud naked and thinking about it now its disgusting 

(69?? hello?)

70). Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 

uhhhh not reallyy

71). What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 

talk to my sister (#1)

73). What is bothering you? 

a lot

74). Have you ever been out of your state? 

ya only a couple times tho. rarely

75). Do you play the Wii? 

used to a lot. we still have it and its the only non movile non pc console we have :,D

76). Are you listening to music right now? 

nope im in bed

77). Do you like Chinese food? 

never had it but prolly not. im a v picky eater SOBS

78). Do you know your fathers b- day? 

august 3rd i think.........

79). Are you afraid of the dark? 

always and forever

80). Is cheating ever okay? 

no its horrific

81). Are you mean? 

not *mean* but i can be v blunt which people take as rude

82). Can you keep white shoes clean? 

no way

84). Do you believe in true love? 

for other people yes

88). Do you like the outside?


89). Are you currently bored? 

nah this is fun

90). Do you wanna get married? 


91). Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 

no i find it really gross SOBS 

92). Are you hungry? 

nope just ate

93). Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? 

nope sadly /hj

94). What makes you happy? 

my siblings woooo

95). Would you change your name? 

ya ofc 

96). Ever been to Alaska? 

no what

98). Do you watch the news? 

never have never will

99). What's your zodiac sign? 

weird thing is i was born on the like. edge of scorpio and sag so like. meh but i identify with both of em ig

100). Do you like Subway? 

sorr of

101). Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? 

yes especially since last time i saw him was 6 years ago

102). Your best friend of the opposite gender likes you, what do you do? 

uhhh. crap i dont like this question

well honestly ive never not had at least a tiny crush on any of my best friends except my sister (#1) ofc so. i dont think id be uncomfy

105). Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? 

yes ofc who doesnt

106). Do you have a friend of the opposite gender who you can act yourself around? 

oh shiz ive been answering these wuestins thinking it meant my biological gensder shizz.

yes am a boy and sister (#1) is girl. sister is friend yes

107). Who was the last person of the opposite gender you talked to? 

my sister (#1) lmao 

108). Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? 

yeaaahhg i have really weak lungs so smoking or even just smoke at all makes it worse

109). Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with? 

sister (#1) again

110). Favorite lyrics right now? 

uhhhhh. romantic homicide or maybe i was boring

111). Can you count to one million? 

i have before so yaaaahh

yooo secondary artstyle go brr

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by caselock


new artstyle cuz hwy not
kinda inspired by uh those hamilton animatics by szin on yt :gasp:

guys /imp

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by caselock

guys guys. i didnt know of this before but this made me aware that theres a person who rlly needs help. i dont have the means to help them right now but if anyone can or would be willing to share the bulletin linked, please do !

that was a doozy

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by caselock


2 Votes cool !! fascinating wowo
1 Votes ew get away from me spiders are thhe bane of my existence

tw uh spiders and sickness

yeah so i got bitten by a bigass white and black spider in my sleep and now im sick asf
this is not fun

pfp lmao

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by caselock

i SWAear ill keep it as this until i actually make art of my sona(s) that id actually make my pfp
SOBS /lh

schooooolll (kinda imp)

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by caselock

so uh i figured id just post this now since its the last day of this week
im gonna start school again next monday so i'm gonna be *much* less active
still gonna check mostly if not literally every day, and prolly make at least one piece of art but compared to now that's supeerrr like. inactive sosb

anyways everyone have a v nice weekend!! :]