Content Warning

User Content Warning

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Hello there! I’m so glad you’ve decided to view my account! Before you enter, I would like to just do a bit of housekeeping.


- I will try my best to be as kind as I can be. I hope to make a positive impact on anyone I can. I’m not perfect, so please give me grace where it can be applied. I will do the same. I will never intentionally be malicious or mean, all I ask is that we can keep this side of the internet wholesome.

- I will NOT draw or interact with anything NSFW. I‘m pretty sensitive to promiscuous content, so please, be good.

- At the stage of life I am at, I am very uncomfortable with romance, whether fictional or not. I don’t care what anyone else does, just know my characters will have purely platonic (friend-based) relationships. Again, this isn’t me trying to control your writings/art, just know I will not take part of anything of that matter, although I wish you well and don’t mind anyone acting out/roleplaying romantic relationships as long as it‘s kept SFW and I’m not in it.

- I’m Christian. In fact, I’m very interested in Theology, and hope to eventually work in that field. I will try to carry myself as one who lives for God the best I can. If you aren’t comfortable with that, I‘m sorry, but I can’t change who I am. I will not try to shove you into my belief system (That doesn’t help anyone, and in my opinion, it just hurts the image of a Christian), but I will not hide it. If you are uncomfortable with that, I hope you can at least understand why I don’t want to hide it. That being said, if you have any questions, I’m always open to talk privately in a positive manner. I don’t know all the answers, but I can study well.

     I once again thank you for your time. If I have one hope with you visiting my little corner of the internet, it‘s to make you smile. Have a good day! :)

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