Tessera Zoia

Tessera Zoia

There are four of the Tessera Zoia/Four Living Creatures.

Each of the Tessera Zoia may have three visible forms: human, star, and winged.

1. Human

Appears as a normal human.  Usually when they are dormant inside a host body.

2. Star  

Eyes appear on their host bodies and potentially around them.

3. Winged

The eyes remain but their six wings are visible as well.  This form is limited as over time, it corrodes the host body and eventually destroys it.  

One of them is suspected to have stolen the Book of Life, causing a disturbance in Sheol/Hades.  The balance between the Righteous bound for the World to Come and the Damned of Perdition has been tipped.  Without the Book of Life, all souls are cast into the Lake of Fire.  The Throne has been strangely empty ever since.