TIP: Click on the blue words "Mains", "Stories", or "Other" to hop to that folder!

I live with no regrets!

September 23rd

This folder is home to my sonas and most prized characters! Some of them have lore and some of them don't, but all of these characters represent a facet of myself. These guys aren't leaving me anytime soon.

sonas <3

no offers

no pinglist

I hold on to you through all of the noise.

October 3rd

These are lore-heavy characters or characters with lore being developped. They are part of various story arcs or are just cool characters. Looks like trades/pinglists are fine, but chances of a deal are low.


offers ok

pinglist ok

Is it time for me to let go?

December 14th & August 10th

These are miscellaneous characters I'm not sure what to do with. I value their designs but I haven't been able to put them to good use, so they're up for trade/sale. Offers are advised and chances of a deal are high.


offers ok

pinglist ok

offer x Daceis Circus ufo cs blue anthro wolf oc bat feral sona white krisp lumene mushroom cat ota grey Dragon