cherrykitkat's Bulletins

Jus toss a msg down below maybe optionally share this n I'll do ya a custom based on ya username
maybe like. a lil aesthetic preference or smth. furries only srry

Also yeah i completely failed on the advent thing,,,just gonna refer to that bulletin for if I ever sporadically decide I wanna give ppl free art, so stay tuned ig! You may find yourself randomly selected one day!

Redesign Contest Winners

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by cherrykitkat

Inn first place we have AlliumStyx wit their gorgeous redesign you can find here:
You get two custom designs(or redesigns) & two shaded icons, so lmk who you want drawn/the theming n stuff you want for those!

And in second place we have PinkBear with their also gorgeous redesign you can find here:
Lmk what/who ya want done for your custom design(or redesign) & shaded icon!

yo advent thing?? [mine, open]

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by cherrykitkat

Yo imma like do that
cba to format rn but basically share this bulletin in a bulletin and I'll put you in my name list. How much I do a day depends on motivation so there's not rlly a limit to participants

I'll be doing custom designs & art of characters for these, why not, so wit the bulletin throw what you'd want in a custom/character(s) you'd want drawn! December's gonna be fun

Ref Sheet Example
Yeah you read that right, I really enjoyed drawing the img above(if it loads, if not I'll just replace it with a link shh) so I figured I'd do it as a commission option!

These sheets take a long time to do, but they hold a lotta content on 'em and they're pretty therapeutic even if they are time consuming, so here's the deal!
If you want to buy a ref sheet with money, it'll be £20(or the equivalent in your currency) for an existing design. If you want this for a custom design, it'll be £30. I'll do 3 slots of these!
1) hyenya(Finished)

And now for the art trade option! For fairness, you'll be required to do the equivalent amount of art to what I do. e.g. if I do 2 fullbodies and 5-6 headshots, you'd need to do the same. We can of course discuss specifics, for example if you want to do a detailed ref sheet of your own for me and we just do that, swap out some headshots for fullbodies, it can all be discussed! This will also get 3 slots, but I may be a bit more picky with who I choose to do it with.
2) G0dOfMischi3f(Not started)

A few ground rules first!
1) While I can draw more complex designs, it's not exactly my cup of tea and I may charge extra/request extra art.
2) Anthros only please!
3) If asking for a custom design, please read through and confirm you've read my Design TOS.
4) I try to be as available as possible! The best way to contact me is through discord(cherrykitkat#7777) and I'd prefer discussion happen there, but I can also use the TH dm system if you prefer. For initially asking for a ref tho, please comment on this bulletin!
5) With the above being said, please be patient! I'll keep you updated every step of the way, but just because I'm online doesn't necessarily mean I'm on PC! Hope ya understand ^^

REDESIGN CONTEST + Other funky stuff

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by cherrykitkat

Will ya be enterin the contest?

2 Votes yo ofc
3 Votes mayb

This'll be a fun bulletin, let's cut to the point!

Redesign Contest

The choices
Simply what it says on the tin, I'm gonna host a contest! All you need to do is redesign a character(selection linked below) and the winners will get prizes! If you don't win, you can do whatever you want with your design(obvs), I'll only take them if I choose them as winners!

I'll list off a few simple rules before we move onto the prizes:
1) Please follow the notes in the description of the character you choose to redesign. Beyond what I've written, you can go wild on 'em!
2) Do not try to guilt me into choosing you as a winner, and don't try to make other contestants feel guilty about winning either. If I catch you doing this, I won't allow you to enter any future contests from me.
3) One entry per person, please!
4) Generally, just have fun! Thank you <3

The Prizes
First Place
- Two custom designs(or redesigns)
- Two shaded icons
- I'll officially use that design!
Second Place
- A custom design(or redesign)
- A shaded icon
I'll officially use that design!
Third Place
- A ref sheet of any of your existing characters(I will not design them, just make them a ref. You may ask for minor design tweaks, however). Alternatively, you could win a flat fullbody of one of your characters.
- A flat icon
I'll officially use that design!
- A flat fullbody of one of your characters
I'll keep elements of your design in mind for the character if I like them!
That should be it! Good luck entering! The deadline will be 28th November, however I may extend!


I have the last few designs sketched out and plan on doing some bonuses! I even have a surprise planned for the final bonus ;]
Me and Spirit still have a ton open!

Folder Reorganising

I did that ;]

[OPEN] Art Trades?

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by cherrykitkat

P much exactly what it says on the tin, comment either IC or with a link to who ya want drawn n we'll trade! Please also say how much you'll draw e.g. flat fullbody, shaded icon, etc as I'd like to draw the same amount both ways ^^

Coastober Update

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by cherrykitkat

Replaced 2 of the days + They'll all just be regular OTA's now