Kitzel's Design TOS

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
2 649 3

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

My design TOS! By offering on a design from me, you automatically agree to these, but I'll link 'em when responding to make sure ^^ (It'd be appreciate if you faved it to confirm you read this). The format/terms & such was inspired by @remirat's!

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Design TOS


Please read through the terms carefully. They apply to any design made by me, whether they were created before or after these terms were released.

these terms were last updated 13th November 2021.

blacklisting/to preface

  • Disregarding these rules may result in a spot on the blacklist! If it's a more minor rule and only the first time though, I may let you off with a warning.
  • I can place a user on the blacklist for whatever reason I see fit. You are always completely free to talk to me if you think there's been a misunderstanding, but in the end it's my decision.
  • The blacklist will be public so all users can be aware of it. If you are found to be harassing any of them, you will join them on the blacklist.
  • I will never force you to give a design back to me, but I can prevent you from receiving further designs directly from me.
  • If you knowingly give a character designed by me to someone on my blacklist, you may get yourself placed on there too.


  • I can deny your offer for whatever reason I deem suitable. You are free to request an explanation, but please do not argue.
  • I would like to be kept updated on the status of any art offers made. I am willing to wait as long as you may need, but please tell me as soon as possible if you feel you cannot complete your payment so I can put the design back up for offers. However, I'd like to request that money offers be paid within a day or two of me accepting your offer; Do not offer if you don't have the money.
  • If you plan on redesigning a design received from me, I ask that you at least don't do so immediately upon receiving them. Please also try to keep the redesign at least somewhat recognisable in relation to the original.
  • I reserve the right to halt the service at any point if an issue arises that causes me to be uncomfortable or otherwise willing to work with you.
  • Please read what i'm willing to accept as an offer, and don't offer outside of that!
  • You own the character once you've completed any payment and it has been transferred to you! However, I am still allowed to use it as an example of my work.


  • I request that if you lose interest in a design within a month of receiving them that you give them back to me. You will not be forced to, but I may be more reluctant to give you designs in the future.
  • You may not sell a character for more than it is worth. If you got them for free, unless they have extra art added on OR the recipient willingly over-offers with knowledge of the character's original worth, you may only give them to others for free. Please do NOT assign your own monetary value to a character that has none.
  • If a design's owner has refused to give you a design of mine, do not bother them or me. It's ultimately their choice.

Other Misc. Rules

  • I'm flattered by inspiration, but please don't make exact carbon copies of my designs.
  • I'd like some credit if you take inspiration from my designs or ideas, but I won't request it if it's just pure coincidence! Just if it was a conscious decision.
  • I love seeing what y'all do with my designs! Please never be scared to talk to me about stories or even just random trivia about them as characters, I genuinely love hearing it ^^
  • TOS are subject to change as adjustments are thought of.