chitter17's Bulletins

RING-A-DING IS UP FOR (USD) BIDS! as much as i LOVE this design, iā€™m just not as attached to her anymore! :,D iā€™ve decided to put her up for bids, and hopefully get her to a new and loving home!!! ā¤ļø i hope you all have a rainbowtastic day!!! šŸŒˆšŸŒˆšŸŒˆ


my very awesome oc idea

Posted 1 month, 6 days ago by chitter17

i dont usually post bulletins for silly things like this but someone should seriously make twin ocs named yanny and laurel and have one of them have a blue/black color scheme and the other have a white/gold color scheme....... someone get on this ASAP!!!!!!!!

bump / help thread!!!

Posted 1 month, 13 days ago by chitter17

help someone get their cat back! ->

help someone get their car up and running! ->Ā 

please let me know if you or a friend needs help, so i can add them to this thread!!!!! ā™” just a quick bulletin in hopes my friends can get the help they need ^^

helllooooo *waves*!!!!!!!! i have some ocs UFO/EO! check them out and you might find one you like!!! o(^ā–½^)oĀ

BONUS DEAL: if you buy tsukiko + miu as a pair (you could buy both / or you own one, have another friend own the otherā€¦ just keeping them paired!) iā€™ll lower the price down to $20 for BOTH of them! ^^ (that makes them $10 each!)


what kind of artist am i?

Posted 2 months, 27 days ago by chitter17

what kind of artist am i?

6 Votes human art
24 Votes furry art

iā€™m starting to become curioussssā€¦. do you associate me with my human art or my furry art more? :-D thereā€™s no right answer!!! i just wanna know :3

pixel interest check!!!

Posted 3 months, 10 days ago by chitter17

are you interested in these pixels!!!!!!

20 Votes YES!!!!!!!!!!!

would anyone be interested in a pixel like this as a commission option? :-D

i was thinking of making them like $5 but i might make them even cheaper since theyā€™re pretty easy to make ^__^; what do you guys think!!!! let me know :3c


very sad news... :,(

Posted 3 months, 20 days ago by chitter17

i worked really really hard on an artĀ project for 2 whole days (!!!) and i went to pick it up today at the studio and... it broke in the kiln :(Ā 

it didnt break completely, just a few things chipped off... its still really upsetting though :,( i put so much work into it, just for it to get messed up...Ā 

the people at the studio are gonna try to fix it up, but i have to wait until wednesday to pick it up again D,:

i was so excited for it to be finished today and show everyone... and then it broke! and i have to wait even more time to fix it (T_T )

im upset, but sometimes things just dont go our way... itll be okay :,D lets hope next time i go to pick it up it'll be okay! šŸ’—

ADOPTS!!!! (mine + others!)

Posted 3 months, 29 days ago by chitter17

HELLO WORLD!!!! me and my friends did a SUPER AWESOME ADOPT COLLAB!!!!!!!!! based on TOKIDOKI UNICORNOS!!!!!

please go check it out!!! everybody did such a wonderful job!!! o(^ā–½^)oĀ 


YCH interest check!

Posted 3 months, 30 days ago by chitter17

would you be interested?

12 Votes i am interested!
0 Votes i am not interested!

hello all! happy valentineā€™s day!!!! ā™”

i recently made some valentineā€™s day gifts for my friends, and i was wondering if i should make this into a YCH? :3c

if i did, theyā€™d be pretty cheap since they are unshaded + pretty chibi! o(^ā–½^)o please let me know what you think!


uploading old art!

Posted 4 months, 3 days ago by chitter17

hellooo!!!!! ^___^ iā€™m going to be uploading a bunch of old art to some oc profiles (+ with my alt account as the credit!)

iā€™ve privated the characters in hopes nobody gets any spam notifications for it, but just in case, iā€™ll make a bulletin too as an apology in advance LOL! i hope it doesnā€™t spam!!! iā€™m super sorry if it does!! ā™” iā€™ll unpriv the characters when iā€™m done

p.s - please donā€™t judge my old art! i know some of it might be ā€œbadā€ or ā€œcringe.ā€ or embarrassing, i know, but it means a lot to me :)

thatā€™s all!!! thank you! o(^ā–½^)o