chitter17's Bulletins

LF plush holding ychs ^__^

Posted 4 months, 4 days ago by chitter17

HI!!!! does anyone have/know of any YCHs that have a character holding a plush? i really want art of me holding plushies of my favorite characters and stuffed animals without spending too much :3c 

i’ll look at regular (non-ych) commissions too, but i’m trying not to spend too much lol! :,D
+ i’d also be up to doing art trades after my queue is empty :D ill make a separate bulletin when i can!!

🌈 interest check! o(^▽^)o

Posted 4 months, 26 days ago by chitter17

would anybody be interested in these kind of chibis as a commission option in the future? i’m not sure what to price them, though… what do you guys think? :~D


owed art update!

Posted 5 months, 2 days ago by chitter17

hi everyooooone…. bad news…. i might have carpel tunnel in the hand i use to draw (T_T )

i’m getting an arm brace to help with it, but it wont be here until tuesday… so owed art might take longer than usual :’3 im super sorry for the inconvenience!!! i’ll still try to get everything done as soon as i can!

that’s all byyyeeee :-D thanks for reading!!!!713407h4mhpozlx9.gif

commissions: open! 🌈

Posted 5 months, 5 days ago by commissions chitter17

my commissions are finally RE-OPENED!!! o(^▽^)o

i’m doing something a little different this time— i’m only opening 5 slots this time to avoid putting too much on my plate! if this works out for me, i’ll add more slots in the future :3c
make sure to claim a slot before it’s too late!!! 🌈🌈🌈 i’ll be re-opening all the slots after all the commissions are finished!

P.S. - for those of you who i already owe art to for trades/etc, those will take priority first! i’ll be getting those done in the next few days ^__^⭐️

❗️ping list:

shimatheglaceon f1zzybat karkitty phantasmagorias j_j sweetholic nuvfr acidfree bugpng 39friend

update 4: commissions

Posted 5 months, 8 days ago by chitter17

hello!!! i know i said i would re-open my commissions a few days ago but i never did, i’m sorry!! ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐ 

this week has been soooo busy, i had to take my cat to the vet, visit my grandma, go to the doctor (and get 2 shots… ouch!), i also have to visit my cousin on sunday, and then do book club after that, while still managing school work… (X__x) i’m a busy bee!! 

thank you all for your patience, though!! i’ll be sure to ping the people that want to be pinged as soon as they re-open :3 thank you all for the support, and thanks for reading! 


update 3: commissions

Posted 5 months, 11 days ago by chitter17

MY NEW CARD IS FINALLY HERE! i’ll be opening commissions again probably tomorrow! keep your eye out, or let me know if you’d like to be pinged!! o(^▽^)o i hope you all have a rainbowtastic day!!!!!! 🌈

update 2: commissions

Posted 5 months, 12 days ago by chitter17

i STILL haven’t received my new debit card in the mail, so i’m not sure when commissions will be open again (T_T) i’m super sorry!!! i really wanted to open them for the new years too… 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 let’s hope it comes in this week!!

+ when i do eventually get my new card, i’ll most likely post some adopts and/or clear out some ocs ^__^! 

i have a (feral) adopt batch that i haven’t posted yet… and i impulsively buy ocs all the time so i think it’s time to put some of them back out into the world! :,D

if feral adopts interest you, just let me know if you’d like to be pinged! they’re sparkle-cats, so keep that in mind! :o3

thats all, thank you for reading & i hope you all have a happy new year!!! :Dbdd253089f4964e703da7fccdd48b4a9d6ec457d


UPDATE: commissions

Posted 5 months, 21 days ago by chitter17

hello all….. unfortunately i’m gonna have to close my commissions for a little bit! (T_T ) i lost my card and won’t be able to get a new one for a little bit because of the holidays and such… 

this is only for USD commissions though! if i offer you art for whatever reason /or we’re doing an art trade— i’ll be getting those done, as well as commissions already payed for! i just can’t take any new ones right now AH!!! 

it should only be closed for a week or so, but i still thought i should say something! (u_u) 

other than that, happy holidays and a happy new year everyone!!!! :3c

i’m buying so many ocs (X_ x) HELP ME!!!!! every time i’m like…. ok this is the LAST one……. (lie) (i will buy another one tomorrow)

for realsies though, you might see some ocs up for offers soon (ú_ù) due to me losing connection or just because i don’t want ‘em anymore… ^__^ thatse all OK BYE!!!!


Posted 5 months, 29 days ago by commissions chitter17

HELLO EVERYPONY!!!! i am happy to announce my commissions are open again!!! :~D

 there’s a few changes this time, so here’s a list of everything that’s changed!!!

  • i can now take paypal and cashapp! before, i could only take paypal— so this is a new payment option! :D

  • i’ve made a new commission option: PWYW! these are linked separately than the other options, so you can find it HERE instead! a description of what this entails is in the link :3

  • i will be updating my clients more frequently! payment is done after the sketch as usual; but now i’ll check in to make sure the flat colors are okay, too!! 

  • i won’t be uploading the finished commission to your characters profile unless asked! (i used to just upload it to the characters profile, but now i think i should just let my client upload it if they want… maybe they don’t want it uploaded, who knows?!)