chubkinz's Profile Comments

Haii I wanted to ask since you're the creator of IC if I'm allowed to upload him to artfight <3 

oh yes, that's fine with me!

Alright, tysm! 

Hey! I’m new to toyhouse and I’m not sure how to message, or really how it works cx I saw your design abyss I believe? The dark cat with grey stripes. I’m super interested in buying her if she’s still available! You can reach me on discord 𝑋𝐼𝐸𝑍𝐻𝐼#0777 or I’ll check back here. 

Do you take character pings? There's a few bbs I'd be interested in if you ever decide to sell,,

mm yeah, i suppose i could! i'm attached to a good amount of my warriors though so i don't see myself rehoming them any time soon ^^;

Understandable! Could I be pinged if Cheetahshade goes ufs?

ahh she's my main warrior kitty, so she might be sticking with me for good but i'll let you know if i ever change my mind ^^

could you lmk if you ever open commissions? :D

oh sure! I don't know when they'd be open but it might be a lil while! ;V;

I am the biggest slob, so my is quite disorganized, haha. Sorry about the mess! : p