
Character Folders

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These characters are my main babies that aren't in a specific custom universe. I won't trade them for anything so don't offer. These could change as I enter more roleplay universes and or as I start to like/dislike characters.

Main OCs
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These characters aren't quite as important/used as my main OCs, but I still love them dearly and likely wll not trade them.

Secondary OCs
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These characters are in specific custom universes with friends and / or roleplay groups I am in. They have varying degrees of importance to me.

Universe OCs
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These characters I hold some type of love for, and so will only trade them for offers I really want. However, you are free to make offers for them if you wish!

Might Trade
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This folder contains the characters who just don't seem to fit any others! There may be newly recieved characters, some random characters for trade/sale etc!

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Sadly I've not been able to connect to these characters. Some are for sale and some are for trade. Check the tags to figure out which is which!

Selling or Trading