
   Lunasin, technologically in the same place as 2015 U.S.A., Economically and politically corrupt. EVERYWHERE.


        Avilan: Dark skinned, with dark hair and light colored eyes.
The Avilani are known for having many powerful mages, and also for their ungodly charm. They don't enforce societal roles much.
They embrace love and sexuality freely, polyamory and polygamy are common. They're believed to be the most charming
and easy-going of the races. Morvak has attempted to invade Avilan twice, and been shut down both times with the help of Kaizen.
Avilan is still recovering from the wars.
They primarily export magic items, some of the freshest crops in Lunasin, and Tuskell meat.
They import saltados, raw magic ingredients, and live animals that make powerful magical assistants.
In battle, they say nothing is more horrifying a sight to a Morvakian than an Avilani woman riding a Axolidile.

        Morvak: Typically quite pale with red hair. About half the population have freckles.
Morvakians are known to be very Anti-magic, and have VERY strict societal roles for men and women. ESPECIALLY women.
Women are to wear long dresses with long sleeves and a high neckline in public. Teenage girls who are caught wearing jeans
and hoodies, or caught wearing anything revealing, are publically shamed and beaten by either their father or their brothers
if their father has passed away.
Men can wear pants and t-shirts, hoodies, tanktops, anything really.
Women are not allowed to engage in any sexual actvity (this includes kissing) until after marriage.
They are also not allowed to talk back to any man, unless said man is talking badly about their husband, brother, or father.
Homo-romantic and homosexual relationships between men are allowed, but any such relationships between women will result in
the rape and execution of both women.

        Kaizen: Pale folk, with brown blonde or black hair.
Kazenians are shrewd buisness men, and quiet but clever women. Never make a deal with a Kaizenian, they always come out on top.
Kaizenian women are typically treated more like commodities than actual people. But if one proves themself to be worth
a job or position, they gain respect and will be reguarded with fear.
The men on the other hand are all considered untrustworthy by other races, known as the kings of the shady deal, they could
bet a rancher out of all his cattle and they'd thank him for it.
Known to be very buisness centered, they don't care how they make a buck, so long as its made.

        Neiled: Pale, buff mountain people or sailors. The Neilish typically have white, gray, or platinum blonde hair and icy blue or gray eyes.
Men grow impressive beards, but tradition dictates that they can't grow one until after marriage.
Both Men and Women work and are respected. They believe strongly in honor and pride in magic.
Many are Wave Warpers. They also have a tradition of implanting sea quartz in their bodies as a magic boost.

        VeltichLightly tanned people, usually with black or brown hair. Rarely white hair, and it is seen as good luck.
Known for being able to communicate very effectively without speaking through body language.
Uniquely, they are still able to swivel and manipulate their ears.
They are exceptionally wise, but quiet and reserved, they almost never involve themselves with other countries politics.
Mostly farmers and hunters, they specialize in Beast and Plant magic.
They are the stealthiest of any race in Lunasin, and are masters of maneuvering through their tropical forest homes.

        Sharzal: Tanned folk with two-toned hair, usually some combination of black and brown. Heterochromia common.
Sharzalans hail from the western temperate forests of Lunasin and are masters of all things magic.
They happily teach anyone who wants to learn, they are some of the best teachers, and not just of magic!
They have a strong sense of Justice and record history accurately, with POVs from all sides involved.
Typically grow tree fruits and nuts, though it's not uncommon to find Sharzal grown sugar.

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