coelagirl's Bulletins


Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by coelagirl


Design terms of service

Posted 4 years, 6 days ago by coelagirl
Hewwo! Thank you for taking an interest in my character designs! I have a few simple rules for you to follow if you wish to own any of my designs. 
  1. This character is yours now. You may use them however you wish. I, the creator, no longer have any control over the design or character.
  2.  Credit me for the design, please. If you have a readily available centralized character information page (eg. on Toyhouse) and you credit me there, you don't have to credit me every time you post the character.
  3. Feel free to change the design as much as you wish.  Since changes tend to build up over time,, if you feel that you have changed the design beyond recognition, you may remove credit. Changed hairstyle? keep credit. Changed hairstyle, skin colour, body shape, and outfit? Sounds pretty different to me. I'm trusting you on this one!! 
  4. If you choose to get rid of this design eventually, do not profit off them. If the design was free, only gift or trade them. If you paid in art or currency do not sell them for significantly more than you bought them for. This rule does not apply to any additional material you accrued while you owned the character.