
This universe is filled with many planets, the main one I focus on being the one with the cats, name to be determined. The people here share a likeness to earth cats, but by many means, aren't as biologically restricted. The folk can sport any arrangement of colors and patterns, and some have even been known to grow minor miscellaneous attributes such as horns or spikes. They are a tall race, ranging between 5'5'' (165cm) to 7'5'' (226cm) in height. Technologically and medicinally, they are not far advanced. Seeing as how they live a primarily laborious lifestyle and have very little time or desire for "luxuries", they often live long and healthy lives with very few ailments. It has been discovered recently that no matter how or where they're raised, their race harbors a gene that causes them to be a little... barbaric.

male female feline cat furry fantasy kittens mewfolk human sold demon dog THT corgi anthro space monster for sale canine shorthair