cr0wded_r00m's Bulletins

❌Characters UFO! (Again)

Posted 4 months, 20 days ago by cr0wded_r00m

Bumping this,,,


You can offer in my storage account ! I might be super tent with some, they're indicated in the tags if I remember well

Art and trades or mix of the two, no money as they're not my designs and I get em for free

And I also have some designs in

You can comment in that post + there's the info you can do

That's all!! Comment here please 

I'm afraid of water

Posted 4 months, 21 days ago by cr0wded_r00m

This might be super random but where I live barely rains, like, it tents to have good weather (sometimes TOO much heat) but something bad is when it rains, boy it rains

I've always been paranoid with climate disasters, specially water-related (floods, tsunamis, etc), thankfully, I didn't experience one as in Spain the weather are not that extreme (just the heat but yeah it's cool)

But it's been getting worst as 1- My old house flooded once, we were doing roof works and the mf who worked didn't covered it well so it literally flooded the house, everywhere

It was awful I had to go to my aunt's house for a while and we lost a LOT of clothes snd stuff because of the mold that was created by the humidity in the walls

And in my new house it also entered water because it started to rain bestially and it entered thru the kitchen roof and in the door that have access to the yard (The sewer didn't drain and the roof didn't have like a way to the water to fall off, but my father was able to fix it in time so it wasn't anything serious, it still gave me an anxiety attack) 

And 2 reason is actually pretty stupid but my fear have been increasing because of my DREAMS 

I don't know why but the 70% of the dreams I have is. Floods. Tsunamis. Big ass waves kicking my ass. Losing everything because the flood.

WORST OF ALL back then (now not really) I always had this eXACT same where a tsunami happens in the city I used to live

And I know these is just dreams but I have no idea why FLOODS AND STUFF like give me big ass sleep paralysis demon or something not this

So yeah, I like rain when it's SOFT AND ENJOYABLE but that shit can't happen there I'm 😭😭

Sorry for the long text I just wanted to say it because it started to rain badly like, there was this strong lightning that my mother and I thought it was a car hitting against a wall


I'm guest artist in a species!!

Posted 4 months, 23 days ago by cr0wded_r00m

YAY SO EXCITED!! Really like these species, you should totally check them out!!

I already have some cool design ideas, stay tunned !👀

>> Diwamata species! <<

Gonna make this pretty bc yes, please make sure to read everything to avoid confussions! Feel free to ask anything tho


Okay so, I think I'm free to do colab adopts! I have some school stuff but I learned to organize myself so I feel good to do it!



✦I will choose 4 people to do collab with them, doing two adopts with per person

In one I will do the lines and you'll color, and for the other, you do the lines and I'll color

✦So, the batch will be of 8 adopts, it's my first time so i prefer doing it small!

I will make a post with all of them, specifying with which person I did the adopts!

✦ Fullbody or chibis, we can discuss everything privately! We won't have a discord group or smth, I will be speaking to each other privately



(not sure how to name it)

✦ The adopts will have a set price that would be shared equially. We will discuss the price once the adopts are made, making sure the amount can be divided equally! Prices might vary per person (for example with one user will cost 20$ and with other 40$)

I ONLY ACCEPT PAYPAL BTW! Don't mind which app you use but preferibly paypal!!

✦ As for art offers; they will be always quality >quantity. I don't know how to explain it so I'll just pu the example 🤧

If someone offers a fullbody, they will have to do a fullbody of one of my characters and ANOTHER of yours. 

For trades, I don't really feel comfy co-owning, so no character trades




✦ Just link your designs/art, add your discord username and specify you're good with everything, you've read everything and you agree with all the things. Ofc I can change something if it's wrong! Again, sorry if it's to picky 😿

✦ PLEASE don't get mad if I don't choose you, this won't be the only time I'll do one of these !!


-- SLOTS --

1. Lavlillac

2. mel_is_tired


4. Sermon_Nitrate


I will start choosing once there are more submittions ! 1089613704494055545.webp?size=160&qualit

Thank you all in advance! I will reply if I'm interested (or to solve any question ofc!)


Posted 4 months, 25 days ago by cr0wded_r00m

There u go!! Thanks for all your support 🤧✨

I've been seeing them around and like- I know it's smth like For example I do lines someone colors it, but, how do you get paid? Like, do share half of the price? Or with art, one piece for you one for me?? Same with trades??????😭

Lf: Custom trades (closed)

Posted 4 months, 29 days ago by cr0wded_r00m

ALRIGHT CLOSED might open this again in the future :]

HELLOO I'm doing a custom trade with someone and I'm liking the idea so Im opening a "slot" to do a trade with someone !

Please link design (and art if you want) examples in the comments, will reply if I'm interested! Don't get mad if I don't choose you please 🙌

[Feedback] Am I a good designer? /gen

Posted 5 months, 15 hours ago by cr0wded_r00m

so Just wanted to ask about my designing skills,,, like Im not saying im the worst bc I know my designs are cool ( i mean many ppl like em) and really want to opinions abt them? 

Yk, what should I improve or of which kind you want to see more, etc

any feedback in general ! 

Not searching to praise me just constructives and sinceres opinions please

 (also use tone indicators if needed) 🤧✨

you can also say which of my designs are your fav and why, it helps me to keep doing these stuff