cr0wded_r00m's Bulletins

2023 Art summary or stmh

Posted 5 months, 9 days ago by cr0wded_r00m

what a year,,


ofc the quality has to go NUTS

❌Characters UFO bump

Posted 5 months, 12 days ago by cr0wded_r00m

Reminder I take offers in these characters! Will be cool if I can clean my th a bit wauh,Others,Nop,myo

Art/myos >>> trades/etc! No money offers as I mostly got em for free


HIHI UHH i need nitro mine's almost dead 😿


Making lineless customs for 10$ nitro and customs ref sheets (fullbody +chibi + shaded headshot) for 1 year th premium (25$) (i could also accept only paypal but must the price that says in my carrd)

EXAMPLES HERE (ignore prices n stuff)

Please send RQ me in discord and sent this form once I accept it:

✦ Username:

✦ Type: (lineless/ref sheet)

✦ Design  Details to keep in mind:  (ex. things you want to be included)

✦ Reference(s): (moodboards, clothing, etc... | attach images if needed)

✦ Password: (read my custom t.o.s)

✦ Others:

SLOTS: 0/2

If slots are full, i can put you in waitlist if I DECIDE TO KEEP WITH EM, if not, for other time ! (should make a pinglist..?)


Soo I made a character design that might be cool for a species but, I know closed species are hard to organize plus I'm still a minor and I wouldn't handle many stuff,,,

So maybe I'll made em an open or semi open,,,

But also in afraid it looks like a mix of scarfoxs and chimereons or smth?🤧

Looks kinda like this ! Taking suggestions in the required traits or whatever 😢 (also any kind of help)
