cyber_siren's Profile Comments

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I am not sure if there is a cash worth for her, I traded a character to get her but the character I traded I didn't add value to the original cost, would there be any other way? 

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Depends on how much! I'm tight on my budget rn ^^

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Yea that should be fine!! 

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HAHSY ITS OK!! I forgot about it aswell lol

Hihii!! I lost connected with adrien so i was wondering if i could trade Adrian back? :0

Hi hi!! 

What was the trade for them again? But I wouldn't mind taking them back!! 

It was Adrian and Penelope trade!!

Ah so would you be looking for Penelope back? If so I'mma be tent as I really love the design '^^

we do talk about i will return Adrian and you will return me Penelope if one of us disconnected to one skdjfsdf :'0

Ah yes would you mind possibly looking in my th and seeing if anyone would catch your interest? And or lmk if they go ufo again! I still really like them lol and if not truly it's ok 

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Hi!! Yes of course! I don't mind at all, as long as you keep them as twins it's no problem. Thank you for reaching out to ask I appreciate it! 💕

Hey!! Just wondering , do you do art trades? Your art is a incredibly pretty so I figured I’d ask djjdakakskksks

Wah thank you so much!! Your art is stunning aswell!!

I do!! I just need to get through my current art que first before opening them again, I can message you again when they are open :D

Aa ty! Also, that would be awesome !! :0

Thank you !!

I shall let you know then!! ^^

Sounds good !! :]

Oh my goodness I'm so sorry im so late to this I just saw it again!!! I'd be more then happy to do an art trade now if your still interested!! I'm so sorry I'm 10 months late to telling you

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I did actually!! 

Are any of the ones I favorited up for offer?

I didn't wanna offer on anyone that you weren't taking offers for '^^

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Okay! For Bento and Evren, I can offer art and ocs! Feel free to look at my th just click "VIEW ALL" as im debating on attachments to some of the characters I have, and for tbn I can offer characters! Possibly art aswell, but I would say bento and evren are at my most wanted and I'd be willing to trade/draw a lot for them ^^ 

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It's no problem!! If you jeez I can always make a feral character an anthro ref ^^

And what would be your starting prices on evren and bento you think?

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Hi, I just want to say I really like your art style

Ah thank you so much!! I appreciate that ^^ 💕

Ahh it’s no problem! I love spreading positivity. 

 If possible I would love to get to know you better. You seem lovely! ❤️ /p

That would be awesome!! You seem like such a nice person 💕

Ahhh thank you! Do you have a discord or something so we can continue talking? Sorry if I seem awkward at first ^^’

Your all good!! I do my discord is Cyber_Siren #6280 

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