
DARKWOLFX17 Directory

This folder contains all my original stories, including ones that are Co-Owned by me! It contains, Pretentious X (co-owned!) , Stoneskippers , and Pledeanon (Co-Owned).

This contains my Mains, the characters I use the most and consider them my persona(s). I love when people make gift art of them (Especially Cats25) and they are always open for gift art!!!

Characters I currently have no use for! I could trade them. I'm tentative on letting them go, but you can offer! (unless I got it from a previous owner, then no, you may not have them.)

Examples of my art, oc calendar, and more! (art examples --> This will show my own personal drawings and Drawings for other people. If you would like me to take a drawing down of your character please contact me!!)