daymoth's Profile Comments

Hey turt! It's -SweetMelon- from scratch! Remember me?

oheyyy yeah ofc!! I was wondering who you were ;)

Haha how r u?

ok I guess.. you?

I'm fine^^ sorry for late reply. I had to go somewhere with my dad

I love these new emoticons    

eYYY TURTLE HI >>do you mind if i hit you up on hangouts?<<

+oh my gosh all your chars and art is soo soosososo pretty !!

ahHH HEY!!! and umm I wouldnt really mind but Im rarely on and so I probably wouldnt respond im sorry v0v

woah sorry i havent been on here in forever rip i still dont know how this works

okee lmao! my other friend also rarely uses it but bc i talk to her so often she is forced too oOPS

guess who uwu



Hhi!! Do yuo have hangouts ;;v;;

aa I do,, I don't use it much tho. Just search Starry Mountains and I should pop up. if not what is yours?

[email protected] I thiiink I'll see what I can do

Can't find it aaa

screEE It's meeee NednilCLan from scratch aaAA

hiIII rip I just commented on your profile XD HELLO SALAD QUEEN xP

Aaaa I knowwwww this seems kinda naive but ... it doesn't seem like Pixie, I didn't reeally know her too well but she wouldn't follow her first follower, use that font, or fav her own project... she stated that she was done with scratch and didn't want to come back and she would've given credit for her icon.. the thing that's off is that she'd follow her friends like you but she isn't.. idk I might be wrong but idk.... edit also 1900 crongrats <<3

oh gosh you have me worried now.. I didnt see this was a thing??? AA Im hoping it's her but I know how easy it is to pretend to be someone on the internet.. let me try talking to her aaa ;o; I will see if i can find anything out.. and aw gosh thanks!!!!! :"D im so shocked

...just by looking more into it i dont... i hate to say it but I dont think thats her. pixie's been on for like.. 3 years she KNOWS how to code really well, and it looks like this was drawn just a lot less smooth (maybe in bitmap) than she has the ability to, if she came back I would expect really improved art while this looks more like her old style. IDEL

EXACTLY hhh I just wanted to warn you <3 but she redesigned pixie a while ago, and just by knowing her she wouldn't use old art, especially art of a design that she later redesigned another thing, she probably grew up I mean... she can't stay 12 forever? Also she deleted curtle's comment something the real Pixie wouldn't do. AND THEN I JUST CHECKED SHE LEGIT JUST CHANGED HER AGE AA I'm not too sure? But idk.. also you would be one of the first people she followed,, and I assume she would change her status after a whole year... do you happen to have something only Pixie would know? Like an inside joke or something? Ask her or tell her that and see if she knows what it means...

she deleted mine too... ;-; i hate when this happens aaaa how do I ask her if she's a fake without being like really rude cause- gOSH THIS CANT GO ONE AAA. look I know one thing... pixie would never talk like this/give out free art like this right?? it just doesn't seem that right.... and yeah I asked her about turtle waffles (taffles) she would remember that... its her own species we drew them together.

EXACTLY HHH rainqq was saying the exact same thing!

mmm yeah ;-;

hey ho turtle! welcome to toyhouse! it's nice to see you on here! ^^

aw tyy!! Its cool seeing everyone too ^^ (I love your chars btw aa)

yeah! aa tysm!! it mean a lot :)

ofcc <3

turtle!! i didn't know that you had a th!! (this is bladeberry90) :o

ahhh Just got it set up!! HII

cool!! (btw, what does it mean when a message said that you authorized me?)

(aaa means you can see refs full sized, private linkable ocs, and without giant watermarks I think. basically a trust system on here)

oh cool! ^^ i'm glad you trust me, i won't damage that!

Heey!!! UR ON AAAAA sobb// How are you!!!

aaaa hey!!! I'm ok I guess?? So much is going on haha and on top of that photoshop corrupted a 6 hour drawing last night so um- besides that ok XD You??

Ah I'm good (Should be working on comms but Im not hh) Aw no I hate it when it corrupts aa

mm good!! (hh oh dear I feel you x"D I have a lot of art owed for people rip) aaa yeah ;-; it's my friends bday present too so I gotta start over haha

Lol my birthday passed aa

hihihih turt!!!! OMG HEY!!!! :'''OOO

AAA HI!!! Im so so excited I got this up haha x'D idk how to do all this but Ima try it out-- ;o;