de0xys's Bulletins

Terms of Services [updated 22.4.24]

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by de0xys

ani_mdrt_386_sf.gif Deo's Coding Terms of Service ani_mdrt_386_sf.gif

you don't need to comment here to say you've read it; i'm not fussed

ani_mdrt_386-attack_sf.gif | Please note...

  • Disable WYSIWYG.

Please make sure WYSIWYG are turned off and Code Editor is on while editing my codes; my codes are not WYSIWYG-friendly and keeping it on will break the code completely.

You can change the settings by going to Settings > Display Settings > Editor Settings > Enable Code Editor

  • I recommend...

Using a live code editor when using my codes!! is great for this purpose.

ani_mdrt_386-speed_sf.gif | You Can...

  • You can change my codes however you like.

This is including but not exclusive to: changing colours, fonts, languages, removing and adding backgrounds, removing and adding tabs, ect ect.

  • Changing the use of the code.

    You can use user codes for characters, character codes for users, fandom codes to non fandom and reverse, ect.

  • Frankenstein and/or fuse parts of my code with codes from other makers.

If you do this, please get permission from all involved coders first. Everyone involved needs to consent to this rule :]

ani_mdrt_386-defense_sf.gif | You Cannot...

  • Delete my credits.

You can move credits around however you want and modify them to your desires but please do not remove them completely; keep them visable at all times.

  • Redistribute my codes.

You cannot take my codes and use them to create other f2u or p2u codes for public release on; sharing with a closed group as your own resource is fine with me (example: modifying a code and sharing it privately with members of a world). Keep my credits if you are taking large sections of the original template, please.

  • Use my codes off-site.

These codes are for use only. Please do not use or distribute it off-site.

tysm for reading :D