dec's Bulletins

Update: Robots, Inactivity, and Donuts

Posted 28 days, 18 hours ago by dec


Another update post! I like doing these bc they're like accountability receipts lol But just a few housekeeping things. 

I underlined the important parts if you want to skip the ramblings. ;)

I went to Omega Mart recently and met the love of my life:


A lovely HR robot! It liked ice cream!

But back on topic: Big updates? Not many.

I'm slowly repairing the work I've done on my Retrotoon world since like most of the images broke. 💔 But the writing is fully done! It's all about assets and character profiles now. Whew. No ETA on that since I still want to get art made by different people that I like a lot. >:)c

As for minor updates….

  • Retrofuture world is about 50% complete. I just need a lot more assets and that takes time. 
  • I realized I got feature creep. Why the funk did I think I needed a forum??? lmao
  • Probably taking a break to start chipping away at my other little projects since I'm tired of having a bunch of half-finished pages despite the piles and piles of lore in my head.
  • The order will probably be Instant Replay -> Crumbling Heights -> Retros, based on the assets I need and amount of characters per folder.
  • Aaaand I redid my folders so that people aren't blinded by a whole page of flashing gifs. Sorry about that!

Outside of that…

I'm going semi inactive as far as characters go in Mahou Wando!

In short, I'm just making most of my characters inactive, moving them to other folders, or retiring them if they're unused! I may be putting the contents of the folder under authorization only, so let me know if you want to be authorized for that! 

– more details below – 

I decided on this for a number of reasons. Trying to get my act together IRL, wanting to really focus on my personal works, not really feeling like the vibe is for me, being pretty inactive already, and the group evolving in a way that doesn't fit how I like to write.

Most importantly, I want my characters to exist in a space that aligns with my personal interests, values, opinions, etc since it's my hobby space. MaWa has evolved to not really fit that bill, and that's fine, so I'm taking a breather and may use my scrunklies again once I'm more comfortable with the vibe.

Please understand that this isn't a “vague” or moral grandstanding on my part, it's purely just opinion. I'm not leaving in a huff or anything, not even leaving at all! I just don't want my writing/characters/art to be associated with certain topics that make me uncomfortable on a personal (read: individual) level, so the mature thing to do is pull out a little and chill in VC or something instead of going “everybody is so mean 2 me for not doing exactly what I want all the time 💔” y'know?

But yeah! I'm always down to continue with my characters in DMs, of course! So to anyone there--feel free to hmu whenever! Characters with active plotlines like Malus and Catherine will remain in the server and in public view, and I will remain in the server too in case my characters need to be around for plot events or anything whatsoever. 

Moving on from that…I'm thinking of trying Sheezy or whatever since DA is bad and full of AI, fetish, and Hazbin art that I hate seeing. Plus I really only use it to peep adopts or commissions anyway. But who knows! I kinda like having only an art Tumblr since I can fully curate my feed.

That aside, I'm slowly chipping away at blender since I crave a model of my stupid pink man. I haven't even successfully made a donut yet, but I'm trying!!!!! 

Lastly, I am very excited to figure out how to use CSP on Android since I got a new tablet. I can't wait to (hopefully) be more productive and I crave art fight every day. 

Anyhoo, thanks as always for the support and kindness! I sincerely appreciate it!!! ❤️

clown emoji

Posted 5 months, 1 day ago by dec

It is time to kick Ron Mingler off the table.

5 Votes You're going into orbit, you stupid bot. [KILL]
12 Votes [SPARE HIM]


(it's me)

I realized about two weeks in that I needed to write and make a lot more assets than I had anticipated, and after a lot of rewriting, restarting, and 30+ pages of lore later, I'm still not done! Well, I had finished at one point, but it just looked like a giant slab of words on a bunch of bright pastel pages, which wasn't what I wanted. So I purged 3+ months of work (not the writing, just the format and site layout and story structure and html and references and everything else lmao) and started again. Halfway through the month. Like an idiot. 

Not to mention I was out of commission for a week due to being real sicc. If you saw me playing bg3 instead of working, that was why. But regardless, I appreciate the patience and apologize for not meeting my self imposed deadline! It's in the works, though! Definitely still chugging along, powered by energy drinks and 80s aerobics playlists. I even have a notebook I've been bringing to my cubicle hell job to write stuff down when I'm not clacking away and being an irl cog. 

On the plus side, I've gathered a huge pile of folks I have in my back pocket that I'm going to grip for assets and things. I'm very excited abt that >:3c  

My roadmap is as follows:


  • find a good html and css layout  
  • get every button on the world made so i know what i specifically need to write about   
  • buttons.png
  • get at least one page of writing out per button  
  • complete the nitty gritty stuff like byfs/faqs/disclaimers and whatnot  
  • finish every page so that it's readable and easy to get to via the world UI (i need to tweak the css to make it light pink instead of the pepto pink it is now. i also need to figure out how pages and folders work augh.)
  • get a ref completed for every MAJOR character  -
  • finish every major character's th bios (all major cogs almost done!)
  • create a credits section detailing every asset and who made it
After this phase it'll be open for viewing! the big hurdle i'm currently stuck on is the asset making! i need ones for locations, a big world banner, banners for each arc, etc etc. lots of stuff lol


  • create forums for each story arc detailing what happens in each part, and add different locations for future interactivity.  
  • create refs and SMALLER th bios for minor characters
  • flesh out any page that feels lacking
  • rearrange my retrofutures folder so that characters are sorted by major and minor, or by arc. i havent decided.
  • finish the retrotooniverse radio and create spotify and youtube playlists


  • use the forums for a tumblr style ask system where you can ask questions and characters can respond. 
  • if ppl like it enough, I'm considering opening it up for people to submit characters to and stuff. i can't say it'll be like a proper rp space since i don't have the time or energy to want to moderate anything, but i'm so down if anyone wants to submit something inspired by the world.
  • possibly thinking of a mahou wando x retrotoon collab!
  • releasing a Totally Not Cogs (Don't Sue Me Mickey Rat) Adopt Set. ota since im scared of the rat killing me.


  •  create a mock up of how my retrotoon city would look as a tto map
  • commission a unique world html/css.
  • maybe visit toonfest irl???

I won't be dumb and slap any more deadlines down that I won't meet, but I'm just about done with the blue sky brainstorming and organization, and it's just a matter of finding the time to put my mind palace on paper. I've trimmed a lot of fat and tried to make my stuff as digestible as possible. December will be slow as I have art trades, secret santas, and irl obligations to prioritize, but I can't wait to finally get the backlog cleared out and focus on writing the characters themselves instead of all the gubbins in the background. 

God, I'm making it sound like I'm writing a whole visual novel or something lol. It's a th world. silly.

On a final note, I just wanted to sincerely thank folks that commented nice things on my last post! It sounds squishy but like man, that meant a lot! I am just a little guy with a fixation on my silly retro cartoon creature lore and to see engagement from folks is definitely giving me an extra push to make this more than just a slapdash infodump. So a huge thanks to all of you and to everyone I've already poked for help with my project! Y'all are lifesavers, and I can't wait to put all the nice art pieces into my lil th thang for the world to see.   

UPDATE (LF: ART) ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Posted 5 months, 24 days ago by dec

Happy November, everypony! I bolded the stuff that matters so you can skip the rambling, if you so choose. 

Firstly, just wanted to say thank you for the interest in my cereal adopts! I was pretty nervous putting them out there, but the reception was so positive that it definitely restored my HP regarding making designs. I think I may stick to OTAs. I like that vibe. Frankenberry is still available, if anyone's interested, hehe.

Anywho, this month is my designated self care/personal project hellscape month, and my goal is to have my toony retrofuture au toyhouse world ready for viewing by december 1st. My pink man and his idiot friends have been in my mind palace since 2016 and their story combines all my half-baked toontown fan projects like the Scambots and Broom Service (/derogatory), and I just think it'd be very nice and fun to have all my retooled, rewritten, non 2016 su discourse-pilled dec oc lore available for ppl to peek at, if they wanna. Maybe even interact with someday?? I'd love make retrotoon style toon/cog adopts or something like that! ==>THE POINT BEING<== there's (hopefully) going to be an influx of stuff about the guys in my RetroToon folder. I appreciate y'alls patience while I overhaul, retweak, delete and upload, hide and unhide characters, etc.

That being said, I am looking for folks to commission to get art of these guys, as I can't finish their profiles without halfbody colored arts at least! I may poke those that were previously interested regarding art trades, also, since I gotta get my practice in before Secret Santa season. >:3c It's really hard to find ppl willing to draw robots, so if anyone can rec artists that can draw toons or cogs, I'd love to see!

That's all for now! Thanks again for being interested in my gubbins. It means a lot to get favorites and comments on a platform based entirely on OC content. Very validating to my monkey brain, haha.  

Hi, hello!!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that participated in Bear and I's fairytale gacha

There's still 4 fellers left (truly amazed so many were scooped up) and I really appreciate y'all being interested in the designs! We worked real hard on 'em and y'know what, I'm proud of the fact that I'm finally learning how to use CSP instead of a pirated version of Sai lmao,, ANYWAYS I appreciate everyone that grabbed one, but also everyone that's subbed to me in general! Thank y'all for your time and attention, as always! It feels so good to not only see my stuff getting enjoyed, but to help out a friend in the process. :)c We love a good collab in this house. 

I have also decided to ask if anyone's down for some art trades? FULL DISCLOSURE that I will absolutely take forever, no exaggeration. but I've already got one in the works with the lovely Spooktacles/kiwi and I think I can possibly take on 2 more! I'm offering a fullbody colored pic with a simple but not plain bg similar to the sort of stuff I did for art fight last year!! (ex X X) so just lmk here or on discord (dec#5108) if you would be interested! Only rules are no nsfw, preferably mutuals only, i have a lot of robot ocs so watch out, and no ferals blease and thanks.


1. Spooktacles

2. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

3. _(:3」∠)_


An Update!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by dec

Hi! I don't talk a lot or make a lot of bulletins but I figured now that I have enough subs, it'd be nice to kind of interact a bit. 

Sorry for being such a stranger! Lots of IRL stuff taking up a lot of my time and mental health nowadays. You'd think a year would be enough to adjust to a new job but!!! Guess not lmao And for those waiting on art for me, sorry again! I haven't forgotten you and I sincerely appreciate your patience. 

Due to my workload and the current turnaround times I'm seeing, I don't think I'll be taking commissions for a while since it's very uncool to make people wait so long when I'm so bad at communicating. But!! I have a lot of ideas for adopts and things--so once I clear my queue, maybe I'll stick to adopts and art trades from now on. I don't want to bite the hand that hits the favorite button on th and gives me that sweet sweet validation. 

I just wanted to update y'all on a few things, provide a few links, post some various TOS stuff, etc. so here we go...

Various Links:

And now for some basic TOS/blacklist stuff to get it out of the way...


- please don't resell my art/designs for more than what you paid unless there's added art

- don't make NFTs out of my stuff

- don't use my designs for anything commercial

- please don't use my stuff for hateful or problematic purposes

- i reserve the right to repost anything i make to other websites unless we've discussed it beforehand

- i don't take requests unless specifically asking for them. i only take art trades if we're pals/mutuals, and commissions are closed indefinitely.


Whew. I'm not going to list ppls various slights against me or whatever as a "warning." My beefs are my own and I'm not going to put ppl on blast to  hundreds of followers for stuff that may be personal, private, or old. All I will say is that I would prefer not to associate with or have my designs owned by/used by/affiliated with the following:

  • tinybuggy/tinnybuggyart
  • robotanical

If  they happen to HAVE any of my designs, that's fine! No take backsies.  But going forward I don't want them to get any more, if that makes sense. 

On the flip side, if anyone is uncomfortable with me having their designs (as in: ones they made) for whatever reason, I'll allow take backsies as long as I'm reimbursed for whatever I offered for them. This is my one olive branch post to make that happen. I hope y'all will understand.

Going forward I'm trying to keep my online presence as peaceful as possible. I'm too old/busy/tired for DNIs, BYFs, and taking the internet too seriously. It's counterintuitive to make a hobby into a  draining experience, and I'd like to leave my gnash gnash awroo arf angy catty attitude back in 2017 tumblr where it belongs.   

Now that the unpleasant  part is done....

For all of you that  like my work, I sincerely  appreciate it! Even if I don't interact much  with the people that follow me, I do genuinely want to thank all of you for having any interest in what I create. It means a lot to me since I'm someone with  like zero confidence in my output.

Hopefully when I'm finally used to my full time schedule I can make adopts or open commissions more often again. 

I hope all of y'all have a good day and stay safe out there! Thank you for reading. ❤️