✰ unsorted

NOTE: Please read the below before offering!

Please DM my main account, venusaur with any questions or offers! I can't guarantee how often I'll be checking this account, so I may not respond here in a timely manner.

✰ Any designs with a USD value listed in their name, I will only be seeking USD offers for unless I specifically state otherwise.

✰ I am absolutely willing to haggle, don't be afraid to ask!

✰ Generally speaking, I'm looking to downsize on the number of characters I own. This means I'm not looking to trade for multiple designs, and I may be more likely to accept art.

✰ All designs have been tagged humanoid, anthro, feral, etc; you can view by tags to help sort through everyone not already placed into a specific folder.

✰ I have a bulletin on my main account [HERE] which gives a very general list as to my design preferences. That said, you can absolutely offer outside what's on that bulletin! You can also check out my favorites [HERE] for an idea as to what I might like.