dejikopanic's Bulletins

Changed my username!!

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by dejikopanic

PlatyBara ----> Platy

not that much of a change, i'm just a sucker for one word names lol

I'm Back!!

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by dejikopanic

After a LONG time away, I'm finally back!!

My main issue was having a bunch of characters I don't use anymore, so those will be up for trade/sell soon! 


Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by dejikopanic

I don't feel like keeping up with a forum post, sooo I'll make a bulletin! I'm buying new clothes soon, so these are much appreciated!!


Here's an example of the YCH:



Posted 7 years, 26 days ago by dejikopanic

Since today's Easter, I'm gonna try to get her sold today~!

Full Image here:

Price: $30 or best offer (willing to haggle price)

Merinori is a closed species made by :iconvalyriana: 

More info on the species:

This is gonna take a long time

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago by dejikopanic

SO, I decided to redo all character profiles and see which characters I'd like to trade or sell. All my characters are going on private for a bit but they should be back up soon! ;v;

RP Comfort Meme

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago by dejikopanic
RP Comfort Meme - Created by ElfSama
A valuable meme for any role-player!
Come display your comfort levels so your role-play partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time!
While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your role-play partners!
Role Play Basics
I am comfortable doing:
- Comment 
- Chats ✓
- Notes ✓
- Forum
- Skype ✓ 
- Google Docs 
- Other ✓  (Discord is also fine!)
I am comfortable with:
- One on one role plays. ✓
- Up to three people. 
- Up to four people. 
- Five or more people!
- As big as possible!
Post Length
I usually write about:
- One or two sentences. ✓ 
- One or two paragraphs. ✓ 
- Two to five paragraphs. ✓ 
- More than five paragraphs. 
- A few pages worth.
I am comfortable role-playing with people who write:
- One or two sentences. 
- One or two paragraphs. ✓
- Two to five paragraphs. ✓ (I like reading lol)
- More than five paragraphs. ✓ 
- A few pages worth.
Role-play Requests
I like getting requests from:
- Anyone and everyone at any time! ✓
- When I ask for role-plays. ✓
- From friends and acquaintances. ✓ 
- From friends only. 
Romantic Relationships
** Important: Communication is the key to a real life relationship, it shouldn't be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance!
Shipping  -
I am comfortable shipping my characters:
- Never. 
- Our character know each other deeply.
- Our character know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player. ✓
- At the first sign of flirting! ✓
- Only if the role-player and I plan it. ✓
- It depends on the character. ✓
If you want to ship with my characters:
- Talk to me about it from the start. ✓ 
- Talk to me about it once our characters know each other. ✓
- Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.
- Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.
Speed -
When shipping my characters, I like the romance to happen:
- Swift as lightening! 
- Fast, but not super fast. ✓ 
- Happens in about three months.✓ 
- Slow and steady wins the race. 
- Slugs know what's up!
- My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen. ✓ 
When my characters gets intimate, I prefer:
- To skip the act entirely. ✓ 
- To write the build up, but skip the act. ✓ 
- To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise skip it. 
- To write the act all the way through. ✓ 
Romantic Artwork
When it comes to artwork depicting our relationship please:
- Do not post it at all without talking to me.
- Post it if it is cuddles and hugs. ✓
- Post it if it is kisses. ✓
- Post it if it is much more. ✓
- Do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts!
- Do not post it where I can see it, but draw what you like!
** Important: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit!!
When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:
- No violence at all!
- I'm fine with verbal arguments! ✓
- Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face. ✓
- Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling. ✓
- Violence, such as stabbings. ✓
- Beyond violence, such as torture and more. 
If you are going to do something violent, please:
- Don't do it at all.
- Talk to me about it first. ✓
- Surprise me!
Dramatic Artwork
- Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters.
- Talk to me about it before posting! ✓
- Post what you like!  ✓ 
☞ We don't need to roleplay our characters, we can simply talk about them but for ships I'm really attached to I would really love to roleplay them!
☞ I am okay with AUs but I like to keep my ships one on one, I don't really like characters paired with other characters in AUs, it breaks up OTPs and I get easily attached!
Looking for Interactions on these characters: 

( I don't really have friends on here OTL)
but ty @Cradlesong for tagging me! whaddup, homie bro dude!

Streaming Soon~

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago by dejikopanic

Stream starts at 9:30 EST <3

Get To Know Me! (Tagged)

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago by dejikopanic

Tagged by my homie 4 life @Cradlesong 

Name: Jules, Jullian (fo real name)
Online handle(s): PlatyBara
How'd you pick your name?: I actually did an online generator using numerous words I picked out, and saw PlatyBara! It's a combonation of two of my fave things: Platypuses and baras ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nickname(s): Platy, Platbutt, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya Dela Rosa Ramriez, Derp by Cradle in the past (fight me), and MANY more omg
Age, DOB and Star sign:  17, August 1st (that's national yaoi day btw), Leo
Height: 5'4"
Place of Residence: Jacksonville, FL; gonna be San Diego next year
What are you wearing right now: My goku shirt and pj pants with a plaid pattern
Pets? (how many? What's their names? What kind?): I don't have any pets currently ;v;
Favourite color: Any shade of green (except baby barf green), pink, and yellow!
Favourite animal: Oh dang, too many! Platypuses, dogs, cats, rats, etc.
Last song listened to:  Please listen to this, I love Underbar
Last Movie/Show Watched: Uhmmmm South Park lol (I've been rewatching it)
Do you drink or smoke: Lol nah, I'm a youngin'
Do you play an instrument: I play a mean recorder 
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: Nope for now
What are your hobbies?: Drawing, making UTAU and VOCALOID stuff, pooping, eating, spending money that I need to save
Anything else?: I love Makoto Tachibana and I like butts (and Cradle is a nerd)

and for tagging, only do it if you want to!!!
idk who to tag, so anyone can do it if they'd like!! (if you wanna do it, you've been tagged)

MYO Lilasses Help

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago by dejikopanic

Okay, I've been trying so hard to think of a good design for the past month and I don't have anything :') all I have is this lineart 

plz help me omg i'm seriously having design block

Any TH codes??

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago by dejikopanic

My friend stormilove on DA wants to join, and I've looked around for codes, but I can't find any working ones ;v;
I'll appreciate it and I'll promise you my first born 
