A world of fantastical darkness. Painted in shades of gray and blue, stained red by the ambitious and brought to ruined by the righteous. Such things are what dreams are made of.

Furreign Bodies

Where all things that walk on two feet are not man. Worlds and stories surrounding anthro characters can be located within this folder here.

Human(ish) Things

Things that have a human's shape, but not a human's heart. Things that have a human's heart, but not a human's intent. Then there are some who are merely just humans, doing the best humans can do. Isn't that more than enough?


From within the depths of Hell they dwell, from the depths of Hell they come crawling. With fire, brimstone and soot at their back. Their music the sound of mourning.

UNFINISHED anthro furry demon pink goth cat male bat purple bara punk cute muscle Bat Furry canine simian piercings Monster