discobarbie's Bulletins

Contact Info

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by discobarbie

Contact Info

Discord: kalle#3505
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @kalleberrie

Please feel free to contact me by PMing me or using any of the above methods. Contacting me via an off-site method will likely get you a response 10x faster than PMing me, but if you do use an off-site method, please let me know who you are and where you're from!

Roleplay Info

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by discobarbie


Hey, I'm Kalle! I’m 18 and use she/her pronouns. I’m located in the est (gmt-5) timezone and have been roleplaying for about 6 years now. I’m a pretty slow roleplayer in general. My roleplay replies take a few (2-3) days, usually, unless I’m hit with a sudden muse surge. That said, I’m pretty good about being around to chat ooc most of the time unless I'm busy with work or school. When it comes to headcanon and basic scripting, I'm pretty active. My ideal type of roleplay is very lax and not focused on getting replies out quickly, but communication is key. I’ll let you know when I’m going to be absent for a while and I'd appreciate it if you'd do the same!

My posts are usually in the 5-10 paragraph range, but I’m able to go above or below that. For actual roleplay, I strongly prefer at least 2 paragraphs per reply.

Contact Comfort Meme

Looking For

In a Partner

I'm looking for an 18+ (or close to it) partner, although I'd prefer it if you were under 30 since I'm only 18 myself. In a roleplay/pairing partner, I'm mostly looking for someone who is friendly and around to chat ooc, even when we're not discussing our characters. If you rule out the possibility of starting up a friendship from our pairing/roleplay, we're probably not the best fit. Other than that, I'm looking for someone who's patient and won't nag me for replies, but also won't run out on me. Let's take things slow and steady, okay?

In A Pairing

I heavily prefer m// or f// romances, but some of my characters are bisexual or heterosexual, and I'm not entirely opposed to m/f pairings! However, I'm not at all interested in pairing self-inserts of roleplaying with a character who's an extension of yourself, sorry. Currently, all of my characters are officially single and in need of pairings. Please feel free to offer up anyone you have! I'll list a few examples of relationship dynamics/aus I'd love to write, roleplay, headcanon, etc. below.

In A Roleplay

Other than mostly slash relationships and around 3-10 paragraphs ranges, there are a few other things I'm looking for in a roleplay. Literacy and correct grammar is important. It's fine if English isn't your first language, but if you're making constant typos or I can't understand you, I'll call the roleplay off. I also only want to roleplay over google docs or email, really, although I'll consider using Skype to roleplay. (Please note that I only use Discord for ooc -- not Skype! And I won't roleplay over Discord.)

There are a few things that I won't roleplay. I'm fine with headcanoning pure smut or smut-themed relationships, but I won't roleplay them. As for things that I refuse to pair, I'm not at all interested in beastiality, watersports/scat, pedophilia, mpreg, etc. Please respect these limits and let me know if you have any of your own.



Most, if not all, of my characters already have one or more universes/time periods that they exist in. However, if your character exists in a different one, I'm fine with shifting my character to fit your universe or an entirely new one. I've listed some relationship dynamics and AUs that I'd love to write one of my existing characters in on the right.


  • master/slave
  • childhood friends
  • inter-dimensional/time
  • god (or immortal)/mortal
  • demon/human
  • anything else!

HTML by lowkeywicked


✗ - never
☁ - maybe
✔ - yes
❤ - preferred

Please read over all of this before requesting to rp with me! ❤



✗ - Comment
✗ - Chats
✗ - Skype/Discord
☁ - Forum
✔ - Email
❤ - Google Docs
☁ - Other


❤ - One on ones
✔ - 2-3 people
☁ - 4+ people
☁ - Large groups

Post Length

✗ - One or two sentences.
☁ - One or two paragraphs.
✔ - Two to five paragraphs.
❤ - More than five paragraphs.
✔ - A few pages worth.

Roleplay Requests

I like getting requests from:
☁ - Anyone and everyone at any time!
✔ - When I ask for role-plays.
✔ - From friends and acquaintances.
✔ - From friends only.


✗ - Never.
✔ - Our character know each other deeply.
✔ - Our character know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player.
☁ - At the first sign of flirting!
❤ - Only if the role-player and I plan it.
✔ - It depends on the character.

Shipping 2

If you want to ship with my characters:
❤ - Talk to me about it from the start.
✔ - Talk to me about it once our characters know each other.
✔ - Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.
☁ - Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.

Shipping Speed

I like the romance to happen:
✗ - Swift as lightening!
✔ - Fast, but not super fast.
❤ - Happens in about three months.
✔ - Slow and steady wins the race.
☁ - Slugs know what's up!
✔ - My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen.


✔ - No smut at all.
✔ - Fade to black.
❤ - Write the act only if it is very special.
✗ - Write out all smut scenes.
✗ - Smut-centric roleplay.

Romantic Artwork

✗ - Do not post it at all.
☁ - Talk to me before posting.
✔ - Post it if it is cuddles and hugs.
✔ - Post it if it is kisses.
☁ - Post it if it is smut.


✔ - No violence at all!
✔ - I'm fine with verbal arguments!
✔ - Very minor violence.
✔ - Mild violence (ie. punching)
✔ - Violence, such as stabbings.
☁ - Extreme violence, (ie. torture)

Violence 2

If you are going to do something violent, please:
✗ - Don't do it at all.
❤ - Talk to me about it first.
☁ - Surprise me! (minor is ok)

Roleplay Pace

✗ - Immediately.
✗ - Within 12 hours.
☁ - Within 24 hours.
✔ - Within 3 days.
❤ - Within 1 week.
✔ - Whenever

HTML by lowkeywicked