Star Child

In ancient times, humanity worshiped the stars. The celestial bodies carried much power, protecting the earth below. It was said that whenever a calamity was due to strike, the stars would send their own down to help protect the people. And so, the star children came to be—sent down from the heavens through meteors. Star children possessed amazing power, and were considered gods just like their celestial parents. But not long after the birth of the 5th star child, the Bane arrived.

The Bane was a disease, born from the deepest, darkest desires inside the human heart. It was born when a human viciously murdered a star child. The evil permeated the earth, contaminating and corrupting everything it touched—the earth, nature, animals, humans, architecture. Nothing was safe from its mutation. Humanity was forced to beg the star children to save them from the blight, but after the murder of one of their own, they had no such desire.

Humanity was forced to find warriors from their own, and from this came the Hunters and Huntresses. Every human was born with two abilities—the aether and the aegis. With these abilities, one could fight the beasts corrupted by the Bane. But not even the Hunters were immune to the Bane's infection. Only the star children seemed to be unaffected.

Eventually, the star children came back to the aid of humans, and began to fight the Bane with them. With this unity, they were able to gain some control over the Bane and return society to a less chaotic lifestyle. A training system was started for Hunters and Huntresses, and schools were opened up across the world. As time went on, less and less star children were born, until there were no more, and merely considered a myth to explain the existence of the Bane.

Time marched on… until the Bane began to get worse… and the first time in centuries, a star child was born. She trained hard, preparing herself for in the inevitable catastrophe her birth foretold. But then she became distracted—falling in love and having a child. And when that catastrophe arrived, she was not ready. Now that she is gone from this world, her daughter must take her place as Atlas is slowly devoured by the Bane.

main pokemon oc human forever trilogy support persona oc antagonist deity project eden dragon star child series persona-user demigod protagonist dragon rider goddess atodat dragon academy pjo oc marvelous misadventures of tsubasa-hime