Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hello! It's me Driz! Since this website isn't as heavily moderated as other websites, I would prefer if you didn't comment on my profile, just for safety reasons. If you comment I will not reply, and sorry if this causes any problems!

I am a minor so please don't do anything innapropriate. Also please do not take my art for profit or just take it in general

Please DNI if:






are pro-life and don't support AFAB's right to abortion and bodily autonomy

Or anything or that sort (just general DNI)!

Content Warning:



Also, just because im in a fandom it does not mean i will side w/ the creators or support all of them, i just enjoy the content

I might curse but will put a warning before it, same with gore.

With all of that please enjoy my profile and have an epic day!

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No thanks!