The Hound Program



The story follows a series of seemingly innocuous cases taken on by a suspicious detective agency, a reputable news outlet, and a company of mercernaries that gradually piece together to unravel a conspiracy plauging a city teemed with magic and monsters.


. prologue

On one rainy seattle evening, an abandoned warehouse was discovered to be the site of an abandoned monster research facility where Erik Wijaya, who has been missing for the last 12 years, was found as the only survivor. Reunited with his childhood friend, Zephyr Byrne, Erik wants nothing to do with the incident and return to a normal life, but the effects of the countless experiments done on him start to surface as he falls in and out of a berserk state, wreaking havoc in its wake. With only so much he can do to keep his condition in check, he joins hands with Zephyr to follow the trail left behind by those who kidnapped him and answer for what they've done to him.

. world

Takes place in a parallel universe similar to ours that is inhabited by supernatural beings that live alongside humans. These beings, dubbed "monsters" and the like throughout history, have existed since the beginning of time but it wasn't until the last century that they've integrated into human society. Though peace treaties have been signed between the races, each group is still wary of the other, living within their own factions and rarely ever mingling in regions outside of large cities.

. magic

Magic is a form of energy that is present within the earth in the form of ley lines. Magical creatures are believed to have originated in places with strong ley line presences. This energy runs through the blood and bones of monsters allowing them to perform supernatural feats. It’s how a vampire lives to see the turn of a century and a werewolf transforms between their animal and human forms. The most common form of channeling magic is through the art of spells and potions. Due to the fact that certain monster parts can be used to cast more powerful spells and make more potent potions, there’s a black market demand for parts such as angel feathers, dragon scales, and demon horns.

. mystic arts

The ability to channel magic either in the form of spells, rituals, potions, or alchemy. Humans naturally have very low affinity for magic, taking a large toll on their bodies if they were to make contact with magic, let alone perform a mystic art. However, some humans may survive being born with magic in their body (usually at the cost of mild deformities or disabilities), allowing them to channel magic without harm. It was found that if a person with no affinity for magic consumes witch blood, it temporarily gives them immunity from the dangers of using magic, raising the demand for witch blood in the black market.

. psychics

There are cases where one’s magic reserve may develop an extrasensory organ in their brain that allows them to hold a higher concentration of magic and develop extraordinary abilities, ranging from telepathy, hypnosis, or even teleportation.
















The most basic lifeform believed to be the origin of all intelligent life equipped with a fragile vessel unable to fend itself against magic.

  • Ordinary - Humans that harbor little to no magic in their system, and thus are unable to manipulate it without doing harm unto themselves.
  • Witch - Humans who have an affinity for the mystic arts due to an abnormal amount of magic present in their bloodstream. As magic is dangerous to humans, most witches die before they are born. Those who survive are notably born with conditions that alter their skin, health, or senses. To stave off death, witches often channel magic in the form of rituals, spells, and potions to lessen their magic density.
  • Wizard - Witches who have mastered the mystic arts, having lived their lives in seclusion to learn all they can about magic; they are somewhat regarded as magic monks, being more reputable than a witch and thus seeked out more often for their services.
  • Mage - Humans who devote their lives to researching magical beasts and items to find ways for ordinary humans to wield magic, many having succeeded in unorthodox ways; subcategories include alchemists, sorcerers, and clerics.


Manifestations of the ley lines, harboring a natural affinity for the mystic arts. They originate from hidden worlds projected by the power of the ley lines. The seelie court consists of benevolent fae who lend their hand to others, though most only seek to gain something from these encounters.

  • Elf - Humanoid fae recognized by their pointy ears that are capable of channeling the arcane arts, an advanced form of mystic arts. They often live long lives, with most elders seeing the span of millennia.
  • Pixie - Small humanoid creatures that may either resemble insects or flowers. Known for being crafty and conniving.
  • Other - Centaur, Nymph, Elemental.


Manifestations of the ley lines, harboring a natural affinity for the mystic arts. They originate from hidden worlds projected by the power of the ley lines. The unseelie court is regarded as more malevolent than the seelie court, though most fae believe that their existence is necessary for the balance of the courts.

  • Demon - Demons are known for their unique ability to perform magic through contracts. They can grant wishes in exchange for an offering; a demon's abilities is dependent on what they are given through their contract.
  • Vampire - Fae that feeds on blood, gaining different powers based on what type of blood they drink due to the latent magical properties of blood. Contrary to popular belief, humans cannot be turned into a vampire; one can only be born as one.
  • Harpy - Commonly dubbed "angels", harpies are fae that are born with a set of wings. Harpies are capable of transforming into an aviation form wherein they sprout feathers throughout their body and grow talons on their feet.
  • Ogre - A humanoid creature with an imposing figure, effective in killing or injuring any magical creature in a way no other could
  • Other - Goblin, Siren, Cyclop.


Non-humanoid beings that have mastered the art of transformation. Due to the high cost of transformation, beasts are not able to channel any other type of magic, but they make up for it through sheer physical strength.

  • Werebeast - Beasts that disguise themselves as ordinary animals with the ability to transform between a human and animal form. During the full moon, their magic spikes dramatically, leaving many to transform uncontrollably and resort entirely to their animal instincts.
  • Dragon - Believed to be the origin of all beasts whose history date back to the Jurassic era. When the dinosaurs went extinct, they had to adapt to survive with the new inhabitants of the Earth, thus they evolved to transform into other beings. Birds, snakes, lizards, and even humans are common disguises adorned by these beasts. As ancient creatures that have taken in the magic in their environment for centuries, dragons are able to channel magic that mirrors their environment; serpents are to water as wyrms are to earth as fire-breathing dragons are to the sun.
  • Other - Griffin, Jackalope, Unicorn.


Manifestations of the dead.

  • Ghost - A ghoul born when a living being dies on a ley line, taking the image of the entity that has passed. There is not much research done on them, but the topic has been making headways in the mystic world.
  • Lich - A wizard who has performed a ritual to trade their soul for immortality, becoming an undead being with a skeletal figure, though equipped with powerful magic.
  • Zombie - A ghoul born when a corpse has been resurrected with magic. Depending on the time between death and resurrection, they may retain a certain degree of their memories and sanity. A magic user with strong enough magic may have control over the actions of the zombie they have brought to life.


Creatures that bear sentience but harbor no functioning organs that classify it as a living being at any point of its conception.

  • Golem - A being made of inorganic material that can be summoned with magic. Common golem materials include clay, stone, and sand.



