devil circuit

PAY ATTENTION TO THE WEATHER                                                                                                                      5/26/19                                                                                                                                                                             12/2/20

Set in an alternate version of earth, mostly focused on the small hard to locate town of heather hills in the countryside of ohio in the year 20XX. The world is defined by malicious supernatural patterns that bring about strange behaviors attributes and other phenomena unto its residents as well as the town itself, all which have become fairly commonplace to the majority of the townspeople.

STORIES+SUMMARIES: (alot of these stories overlap+ death warnings for all stories +  gaslighting in groundwork)

DISEASE TOWN/DEVIL CIRCUIT - The death of a little girl introduces a malicious pattern to a small town (main cast)

The sudden death of a young girl births a malicious pattern that imposes itself upon the town of Heather Hills Ohio and its residents, making them and the town itself run in circles until they crash in an effort to put and end to itself. Weaving its way throughout the townspeople until it finds someone just wound up enough to carry out its end goal.

WEIGHT - The rise and fall of a local band, the death of a highschool student, and the attempts of his friend to avenge him

 Ontrell Evans cant remember anything. He wakes up to novels upon novels of disturbing explanation justification as well as instruction about his situation, the author claiming to be Ontrell himself. Following the instructions Ontrell leads a band of his friends, keeping it a secret from them and slowly reading and learning more about his predicament until a 5th member finds their way into the band, subtly suggesting to Ontrell that they know about the instructions and more to them than Ontrell does.

HOUSEFLIES - Albie Goode is having vivid dreams.

Having just moved to a new town, Ray has a hard time making friends and instead finds solace in a nearby drugstore where the clerk is always asleep and the regular patrons are always friendly. The more time she spends there she begins to notice the sleepy store is going completely dead - patrons are disappearing in quick patterns. Accompanied by the ghost of a teenager who died in the store and understands the patterns Ray tries to reverse the pattern and save the missing.

GROUNDWORK - On Monday, Sasha and I started breathing through each others lungs

The Uriostes are a wealthy highly respected family with thirteen children, all who practice orchestrated obia behind their parents back. After a failed ritual, Suzanna Urioste convinces her twin brother Sasha to take the blame for the brutal death of a family pet out casting the already black sheep from the family. She taunts him with the idea that since they have switched the blame they have switched fates and whichever karma she has earned for her deranged actions will now fall onto him, Sasha struggles to tell her taunting from the truth.

STAMINA RULE - events surrounding the disappearance of Gt and 6's childhood friend

As a child the kids in 6wings' neighborhood have always been close. One day, following a birthday, the oldest of them all goes missing and his house begins to float just above its driveway while all its windows turn dark. Worried for their friend Granatier and 6wings attempt to investigate.