Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

i have basic DNI criteria, but here are more specifics! 

- do not randomly dm me ‘hi’ out of context, especially if i don’t know you!

- i’m down to sort out any misunderstandings or issues. if we have beef or just aren’t on the friendliest of terms, or if maybe something happened awhile ago and you want to work things out i’m absolutely down!

- if i mess up in any way or make you feel uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to tell me. i’d rather know if i did something unintentionally wrong/bad 

- DNI if you're only here to spread hate. i want no bad vibes whatsoever on my account so if i feel like someone is trying to argue or start drama i will block. 

- DNI if you do or support those who add people to blacklists for no real reason. example being, if you were to add someone for soley being your ex or your friends ex. its happened to me before and it sucks especially if you do nothing wrong

- DNI if you are just toxic or problematic 

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