eadie's Profile Comments

hey! thanks for the drawing!!! 15 mins is hard haha but I really like what you drew in that time :D

thank you!! I was shocked! I just finished the sketch and then it was already ten minutes Dx it was a halfbody, but I wouldn't be able to finish in that time

Thanks for the art!!

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oh shit ur right

o it's on!

okay LISTEN this isn't FAIR I already favourited all of your characters!!! >:(

wait i have a plan

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OH HECK YEAH!!! Canadians rule!!!!

whoaa I love Umridun! He's very cute ! And thank you for the favorite on Tive i really appreciate it! <3

oh my goodness thank you so much. I... love Tive. Zora alone are enough to get me going and he's just a mm very good boy. 

Umi will shape of water Tive anyday

Tive loves you and i feel like Tive and Umi would get along well 

Also you seem like v nice idk if that is a weird thing to say or ????

oh they definitely would. Umi loves the sea!

omg no that's not weird at all wipes tears tysm ;u; You seem very sweet too!

aa thank you! that's very kind of you to say :'>

omfG THAT WAS SO CUTE ugh Zaleos would totally appreciate Chiyuki (she’s a cutie patootie too??/?!/?)

hehe IM SO GLAD U LIKED IT ;u; I was worried I was gonna write him out of character or something zaleos is just such an interesting guy!!!!!

hhhh no he was written very IC!! honestly i can 100% see them two as friends at the least ;w;

I always get so nervous doing responses to such well written ocs.... and yes pls let them b friends