ego's Profile Comments

:0 Could I grab a dungeon crawl roll?


absolutely! I'll send an invoice asap :D



thanks so much! you rolled #2! theyre on their way right now :D

Thank you!!

Sweating because you rolled out my favorites 2 times in a row... Dinosaurs and dragons I love your designs so much dude


I'm so so glad you're enjoying them so much! Dinos and dragons are my absolute faves as well ^^

could I grab a roll? :0


Absolutely! I can get you set up with an invoice asap ^^

Paid!! :D


Thank you so much ! You rolled #5

Ayo!!! Could I grab oneeee more roll?


of course my man!! Thank you so much ;A;

3 Replies

is the bottom left sauropod available for grabs? :o


it is, yes! If you'd like to claim them let me know your paypal and I can get an invoice set up for ya :D

my paypal email is [email protected] :D


invoice sent ! Let me know when you've paid and I'll send you your new guy ^^


Hey coming back oneee last time to ask to claim this guy-


Of course! Thank you so much :D I will go ahead and send an invoice just let me know once you've paid ^^

Ty! I paid :D


thanks so much ! should be on their way :D

Thank you!

could i get one more roll?


For sure! Same email for the invoice?

Yep!! :0


Awesome! Invoice is all sent ^^

Paid!! Tysvm!


Your new guy is on its way! Thanks so much again :D

1 Replies

do ypu do comms?


i take them occasionally, at the moment they're closed as I'm in the middle of a move, but any future openings will be posted in a bulletin ^^

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sure thing - i'll pm you with it ^ ^

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I made it myself! It's a bit of a huge mess because it was my first try making my own coding so i'm not super confident setting it free in the wild yet bc the script itself is absolute chaos to try to read (and i'm not even sure if some of it works completely bc im not.... super coding literate? a LOT of it was guesswork haha x.x;; ) but it's honestly just all columns with some of them completely transparent for padding and a lot of stuff hidden (like the sidebar) ^ ^