Silver Hunt

The chosen champions of the Elder God of the Moon. They traverse the planes and the worlds within Her influence, hunt that which threatens the safety and balance of the universe and in the everyday life of the mortal races.

Joining the Silver Hunt is considered to be an outdated tradition by many, but few still seek out the old paths in hopes of communion and joining. Originally, it was a great honor to have one's child, sibling, parent set off to prove themselves but now is more often done by those who feel lost and seek a purpose or find companionship where they might not have had it.

The process involves going into the deepest part of the forest on the night of a full moon, finding a pool of water and directly reflects the moon's light. Then, they must sit at the bank and, using the water from the pool, brew tea for two. One must be set towards the pool as a gift while the other is to be consumed. If the resolve is strong, and the offering is accepted the moon's light reflecting from the pool is said to shimmer and open the path to the realm of the Moon and Night Sky. After stepping through into this new realm it is said that they will be greeted by a giant scaled wolf and a plain woman. They will be welcomed, thanked for the tea, offered more tea, and then given a task to complete: Locate and capture, or slay a silver stag before the wolf does. If they succeed, they are allowed to join the Hunt and if they fail - they simply wake up the next morning back by the poolside and find both teacups empty.

Upon joining the Silver Hunt they are given a blessing by Aylin, vestiments to protect them, and then given a bow and a primary weapon of their choosing.